Pc not going on.

When i press the button to start my pc. Nothing happens :S

no its not unplugged, i don't see any lights going on/ sound. just nothing happens.

What can be the cause?

powersupply? or something else maybe?
Try with another powersupply idd
Try another cable/electrical outlet

unplug/re plug cable
and the button at the back of your case is at I ?
press harder
theres a little tiny wire inside ure computer connected to ure mobo wich controls the power button, maybe smth happend with that somehow
Remove the power cable for few minutes and try again. If it doesn't work, reset bios using the jumper for example.
Else it might be psu or motherboard....
reseting bios with jumper

eeeh never done that, how to?
# Find the 3-pin jumper near the power supply on the motherboard, typically labeled "clear cmos" or "reset bios".
# Remove the jumper from the default position (typically connecting the 1st and 2nd pins).
# Replace the jumper to connect the 2nd and 3rd pins.
# Push the power button on the front of your PC once.
# Wait a minute.
# Return the jumper to its default position, connecting the 1st and 2nd pins.


Just remove the battery for 1 or more minutes!

Do not forget to turn power off before touch your pc.
When i push the power button i need to have the powercable inserted?
You can try with both. I usually do the remove battery trick, it's easier!

Check your motherboard manual, they explain how to do a bios reset using the jumpers!
k thnx <3 will try
Good luck. It might work ;)
There's no reason to reset bios, if the board isn't getting any electricity...

Try 'coldboot' your pc like this (not just turning it off & on)

1. Unplug PSU
2. Wait for ~10minutes
3. Plug PSU back
4. Boot.
Last time my pc didn't turn on, even with the unplug power cable for few minutes trick didn't work! I had to do a bios reset to get it working (weird? hell yeah, i didn't change anything at bios before it stop working)...
I had this once when I plugged the fan cable into the wrong place ( my ass yes)
if your pc doesnt start , how the fuck did you get into interwebz?

Thats some fuckin almighty shit
other pc ofc
ever heard of a laptop or mobile inet?
1st you ask a retarded question and then you act like it was sarcastic
obviously you dont get it , pls leave
1st you ask a retarded question and then you act like it was sarcastic
cleaning power supply can help if it's dusty and shit, had that once with my old pc like 5 years ago
buy another pc
the button is broken
like your creativity was broken?
em not a pc expert :(
Jakez dodging prac..
remove bios battery and then plug jumpers reset..

I also had the same thing myself.. and worked..
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