Which Cinema movie?

The Sorcerer's Apprentice
or Inception?
The irony, paul the octopus asking us if he should watch "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" or "Inception"
i only bet on soccer
eventually am going to the first option, though inception seems better :( ( me against a 5, pff bad taste in movies!)
wtf inception is at cinemas already? its available at 24/8 here.
22/7, if i decide inception then i go in a week (ROFL @ ur date)
inception is gonna be the biggest movie this year (so they say) so id definitely watch that :)
seen an extended trailer and it looks pretty shit if not boring, though christopher nolan and leonardo themselves can make the movie watchable
but somewhat the movie seems interesting (didn't like the socerrer's apprentice blabla w/e)
let's hope i won't be disappointed, looks very shit to me (the first movie i cba spell)
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