Dear TV journal

So, today, my boss called me, asking if we should move the telly today.

When the World Championship was going on, my boss took his old TV to work, so that we were able to see the matches, which were on, while we were at work. During that period he asked if I wanted the TV, because he didn't really need it anymore and also, if I wanted this TV-furniture with it. Of course I said: "Sure!"

So, I went from a Sony 24'' Trinitron (CRT), my old TV to this "new" one. A Sony 28'' wide-screen Trinitron (CRT).

So this is the view from my couch:
image: newTV

Ohh and for the haters, who are going to hate. Yes I can't afford a new TV at the moment, because I am still a student at the university!

Ohh yeah, and I'm back in ET, playing with Spain Men of Honor :)
kewl story brah
You're 28.
Stop studying.
free TV is always nice :'o
nice boss you got, getting stuff for free is always nice
Who are you?:D
nice tv & painting
lucky boy ;D
why would you justify the TV if you didnt even bother to hang the picture on the wall ?

I haven't got the tools to hang up stuff in my apartment, my brother-in-law has agreed to lend me the stuff, but I haven't gotten to that part yet. A bit lazy, since I have lived here for half a year now.
the "stuff" you are talking about is a hammer (every man should have a hammer!) and a nail.
you should have the first one obviously and if not you can get it together with the second ingredient at a hardware store.
Err no. I need rawl plugs (or whatever they are called) and screws, can't just put nails into these types of walls.
fuck that. ur a student.
"nail it" and get to the drinking sooner.
a million dollar painting but no flat screen ololol
Inherited from my late grandfather, I doubt it's a million dollar worth :)
its old and a painting, it has to be!
awesome boss!
I don't know, what you, are talking about!
Second hand tvs ftw! Every piece of furniture in my flat is a cast off bar the bed :O))

image: 33566723
image: 6056_548179553859_223802958_3365291_5894291_n

I win. Don't know what at. But I win.
PSN ID bro?

Since my PC broke I've been all over Fifa10. Got it?
I do, yeah. Never play it though, it's my little brother's (who's 8) and we whips my ass.

You got DJ Hero? :D
Damn. I'm wanting to play somebody on it :(
Fucker - furnitures been moved around so I'll get a better pic but I don't think I can compete with a floating tv!
so.. wheres the chick?
i mean, one you can touch!
She's taking the photos
gief pics!, need fap material!
Your Feng Shui is fucked up.
Shit we own > room

(it looks less cluttered nowadays)
I bought my couch on a "flee-market" site; they set an initial price of 300 DKr. (34 pounds). When I called the second time, they had found out that it was a Stouby, which usually goes for around 10K Dkr. (1134 pounds) used; they didn't change the price though :)

Here it is, btw.
Nice nice - would take £34 :p

I just got lucky - put the word out there with friends / family / workmates & shit came rolling in! Design / things matching has never really been a concern :O))

image: things3811
Nice deal!
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