Logitech G500?

Some months ago I bought myself a Logitech G500, and since a few weeks it's lagging and falling off once a 5 minutes, some minutes ago it fell off and didn't go on again. If I re-inplug the USB it says that the PC can't read the USB. Does someone knows what happened?

Thanks in advance ;)

image: megan-fox0
Lol, I've done that at the first day I had it too
cable broken?
could be, how has that happened? and is it possible to receive a new one if I go back to the store?
does it make a disconnecting/connecting sound @ windows (like when you remove a usb) when you move is a certain way?

i know Habu's used to do that, it means the cable is broken
Yes. that's exactly what it is.
same for me so i just sended it to garantee and i bought i new one until the others g500 came back home
probably the same prob as with mx518, the cable.
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