Your all saying that ET need changes and this changes are approaching. We are all tired of this fucking ETPRO mod not upadted since AGES. Laggy and shit.

i can tell you that a new PRO MOD is being coded. i have just tested a beta on a pub serv. one of the best improvement actually is the antilag with all the shit part of the code who has been removed. Hitboxes are just 2 times better.

So i just would like to know what improvement could we implement in this new PROMOD
and what do you expect from it


beta serv :
Actually its just to test the antilag optimisation dont care about rest
ba da bap bap baaaaa im lovin it
nailed it!
This is news is really INTERESTING.
project fails in 2weeks anyway :/
thats why it is nearlly made and i tried the beta dumbass
people starts hate it in 2weeks anyway
please, erase all the tj since everybody can do it! :P

indead, almost as good as the antipro & slac troll
here is the troll come test hitboxes
My head just exploded imploded.
project homepage?
etpro is fine this is just probably etpro with new name & jaymod hitboxes
does it make polaks hittable?
I don't think the antilag should be tested on a french server
What are you talking about ? everyone got 48 ping exept fintard that have 60 max rofl and guys from usa ofc/china/japan etc
amazing antilag , like it
amazing antilag , like it
pro mod, anti cheat...
less words and more facts. no more news, release it and publish something.

The only thing I would say is that is pathetic (for us playing etpro) seeing how many things the guys from noquarter and jaymod have done with this game, how many GOOD things.

A shotgun.. yeah man why not?
Awesome animations for burned bodies or selfkill... watch selfkill in noquarter and selfkill in etpro...
bug corrections.
throwing knifes
and a big etc

There are many things that could have been done to improve the competition mod...
the first one is to use an active mod which someone cares for.

Some people wonder why otheres play those "funmods" and some of us wonder why with so many coders with knowledge we are still using a mod which has not been updated for ages and which is known as left beta forever.
nobody would every take ET seriously as a competition game if your body burned away when you selfkilled, and you could poison people and throw knives.
Shotgun is horrible... It's like a short range panzer :| A shotgun would further rape maps like delivery, just wait around the corner with a shotgun and wait for the multikill, yay! <.<

Noone is waiting for better graphics tbh, it would be nice, but tbh it'd be easier to recreate the game on a different engine to accomplish that :S But to reply to your post, noone that plays this game seriously wants that crap, trust me.

It's not our fault that bani doesn't share the sourcode for etpro, otherwise people would have improved it and added a lot of bug corrections (in fact alot of them were already coded for the new etpro, but it never got released since the list was incomplete and bani gave up on updating the mod)

Poison is bs, unless you know of people in war running around with a needle waiting for someone to walk by to poison them? :D

Throwing knifes... meh, debatable I guess

As for those last lines, since the creator doesn't update and share his sourcode, etpro simply can't be updated any further.

The community tried to get the sourcode from him as soon as he said he'd stop with developping etpro but he still hasn't given in. He didn't even release it to the antipro coders, he only gave them permission to use the packed files to develop their mod on.

So, we either need a completely new mod, or settle with what we have.

People don't want new hitboxes, they worked long and hard to get used to these ones. Unless if it improves hittability of unhitable opponents, in that case it may work...

The antilag that is improved according to him sounds like the only decent thing about it, though noone has tested it enough to confirm that it's actually any good.
Bani already stated that he would be willing to share the code. Problem is, the rights for it are still owned by Activision who won't allow it. At least that's how I remember it.
Really? I was quite certain that the antipro team asked bani for the cod and he simply refused to give it.

I remember signing a petition so the antipro team could at least use etpro as a base for their mod.
Bani was hired by activision to do an official patch before QuakeCon 2006. But yeah, I am pretty sure that he isn't allowed to pass the code on.
yeah best idea is to poison ur opponent with flying knife just 1 sec before u burn urself with coolest animation ever that makes everyone stop and check it out.
made me lol irl

and seriously guys dont you see the guy that wrote the stuff about other mods is trollin ya? :P
thanks to mongols like you that still play railgun and fueldump in pubs we will never have an updated eptro mod.
uhm wat? i dont play pubs and even if i do its jaymod with random maps not oldschool
and seriously guys dont you see the guy that wrote the stuff about other mods is trollin ya? :P
do u even know what trolling is? I just replied with sarcasm and u keep on spamming my inbox with shit...
Poison .. Throwing knifes .. somebody's been playing on RtCW 1.0 a bit too much eyy
no its jaymod rofl
ye but i honestly think its more on jaymod
bug corrections only. rest of ur suggestions..sorry but gaymod
to see leaning people is awesome also, nq i think
próbáld ki, sokkal simábban fut mint etpro
all the other mods ETpub,Nq and Jaymod are way more advanced than dinasour age ETpro. It's funny how ETpro players call other players playing newer mods noobs when you are the idiots playing an outdated mod...
smirzz still cant aim? Need bigger hitboxes :XD
the hitboxes are smaller there.. i cant hit :XD
then what is smirzz whining about hitboxes :D ur problem is ping so dont worry
he was actually telling me that hes was hitting 10 time more:/ i guess hitboxes are good for him
Then they must be awesome for us :D
i can hit easier alot, and the trickjump is freakin' awesome, i mean, maybe cuz its smoother or smth, but i can jump almost two times higher or longer you know, like supply main jump
now we need just some new map's for 5o5 ;) becouse old map's are boring :P
+1 but old maps aren't boring

problem? lack of phantasy? not my problem ;)
Member For: 0 days

lol wtf? well prolly new account? since when u played ET?

Honestly I am not bored with the maps cause i only played ET for 2 years so not sure about those old dudes though.
imo without wh u know where all "can" stand and then all saying that you use cheat XDDDD
i dont get you bro.
i'm actually ok with etpro why dont u guys just continue updating it or something?
same coder to nitmod ?

its compET ?
less lagg waiting for updates !
Why in this retarded game someone can lean without being seen.. what a bullshit
+ fucking 1 :D thats so fucking retarded
because this fcking retarded game is free and unfinished.
wtf this shit feels like NQ

no customisable hud, see muuzle flash...

good for flag i like

hitsound nade...
C'est plutôt un jaymod transformé en partie en etpro :D
en gros oui .
I always wondered why they took the hitsounds from nades / rifles / arty / strikes
It was to prevent knowing if you hit someone or not, which is bs, since everyone just watches their xp when they throw a nade, if it lights up you hit someone :D
tbh i never watched it but im just a random newb and usually if i hit, i kill.
Surely you notice it flashing up just when your nade explodes?

The idea behind it was to throw nades where you think there might be people but aren't sure of...

So if you throw and nearly always kill then you nearly always knew there was someone...
wrong, but hey you obviously know better
If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.
As mentionned, it's a BETA version, which means the HUD, hitsounds and other stuff will be reworked.

Muzzle flash is just a cvar. CompET doesn't use b_* cvars though.

That's why I started working on a built-in etpro cvar converter, this way your ETPro configs will be compatible with the mod.

smirzzzz said that the only thing he wanted you to test was the antilag. Seriously i'm a bit disapointed to see that you stop on so little details, i know visuals and stuff are important, but without your suggestions I can't do much.

So yea, just tell me what you're expecting from it and i'll try to satisfy your needs.
ok donc si cela peut etre modifier par la suite c'est pas mal. et l'anti lag marche plutot bien :)
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