Joe Cole

image: carosuel_cole_1088521a

LIVERPOOL have snapped up free agent Joe Cole on a four-year deal.

The midfielder left Chelsea at the end of last season after failing to agree a new contract with the club.

But having now agreed personal terms at Anfield, the 28-year-old will undergo a medical on Merseyside in the next 48 hours.
good signing
don't believe everything they say...
Was just about to make a journal, delighted!
good move tbh
Its a great signing
so nice
Poor, for 90k a week as well.
We paid nothing for him.. Can easily afford to pay his wages.
Not saying you can't afford it - I don't think he is worth that much, and with Liverpool having to sell to buy that money could have been put to better use elsewhere really.

He won't be any better than Benayoun. Cole is just overrated because he is English.
I agree he probably is overrated but I think he's better than Benayoun anyway, age wise even Yossi wont have the legs for much longer, and I bet he won't play on the wings as much at Chelsea.
I bet he won't play a lot at Chelsea, I suppose looking at it - you have essentially swapped Benayoun for Cole plus 5 or whatever million. And if you take what Benayoun was getting paid away from what Cole will be getting paid, that's actually a good deal :)

Never mind me :)
Insua - Out
Reira - Out
Mascherano - Out

Jovanivic - free
Cole - free
Jonjo Shelvey - undisc ( I think )

Left back + a striker is needed only
and a replacement for mascherano
True, looking forward to watch Aquallani play now he is 100% fit. Plus just read this

£3 million more would be nice
i like ngog...he is a nice striker, he is just unexperienced and showed some nice talent and actually scored some goals (6) in like what 20 appearances?
Way to clumsy to be anyway decent, had a few brief spells of half decent football last season but that was about it.
too injure prone, wont be success !
reminds me of that joke...

"Girls, when you're watching World Cup with your men, please shut the fuck and stop yelling "PASS TO JOE COLE!!" or "OMG SHOOT THE BALL!!!" You don't hear us going "GO ON! STICK IT UP HER ARSE!" when we watch Sex and the City with you"
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