Just came back from da gym #3

Hoi crossies,

It's me again and I want to say that I just came back from da gym. Another fucking epic training after even more epic weekend. Had back, triceps n' forearm today.

image: 153xm6v

Hows ur day, crossies?
You only did 3km? Jeez...
running on always the same place must be nice
i never run this shit :) it feels so fake
why the fuck would you want to take pictures of a cardio training you had
Cuz i want to add them to my training journal @ bodybuilding forum. Some kind of motivation if u know what i mean
But 3km?:))) That's warmup... you need to be running at least 20 minutes before it starts to do any good...
Lol but who cares about the distance? You need to be running at least 15 minutes - because after this time your fat is burning. I'm not really good in running @ treadmill, 'bikes' are fucked up in my gym since a month and I used to run at it something like 40minutes...
I thought running is always good for you no matter how long you run for.
So say I run 14 minutes 59 seconds everyday it's bad for me?
Noone said that is bad or something. It's good no matter how much you have run but I said that your fat is burning after 15minutes of running, at the first minutes underskin water is burning or something - I'm not sure about this one xD
he found it
Course it's not bad for you - but the average body takes around 20 mins to start burning calories / building muscle. Anything less is just maintaining yourself ^^
Didn't know that after 20minutes of running you can build your muscles :D? As far as I know if you are running or when you are @ reduction your muscles can be burned with your fat n' stuff. Thats why it's good to buy a BCAA as a 'anticatabolic' - if it's even a correct word :D.

And don't tell me that I'm doing something wrong. I've lost already 16kg so I think it's pretty good like for 8-9months without diet.
the trick is to have negative balanced calories, or whatever the word is, thefore even if you eat sugar, fat you will still lose weight. the challenge appears once you are skinny enough and want to lose fat that is not water or stubborn
eg: from 100KG to 80 you can lose in a month or even less, 20% or high can be just normal water, and you won't even need proper eating
from 80 to 70, if you are very tall then it will be difficault, and no bcaa or any shit will help you
I've lost 2-4kg/month so I think it's healthy way. Losing 10-20kg in a month isn't very healthy, IMO.
depends, the bigger you are the more you will lose in a month, and i give a shit about if you lost in a healthy way, you think you are doing it right because 50% of what you lost are water
and what makes u think he lost 50 % of water?
caloric deficit :3
So if I run for 15 minutes a day I won't burn fat? :-D
whats your goal?
you mean at the treadmill or what?
no, in general.
Lost at least 5kg then I want to build some muscles. I'm aiming to 77-80kg and then 'mass' to 86kg then again reduction.
im assuming you already know about buffing and cutting, i suggest you do just one at a time.

If losing weight is your current goal, combining just cardio with a good diet will work way faster than what you are doing now.
You would have to burn more calories than you are eating for it to work more effective

I myself lost 5kg's in the past week by just adjusting my eating habits. (didnt really need to lose any, but i like maintaining my low bodyfat percentage)
Yeah, I know that good diet is a key to a 'perfect' reduction/losing weight or whatever you can call it. But I don't have enough money for that - I already tried but my parents weren't very happy because this diet took much money from their pocket :(
what are you eating now?
because you can make a healthy eating plan from what you have.
Eggs, crispbread, some vegetables, 'lean ham' + green tea!

I'm not sure if the name of them is correct, just used google translate :P
how many green tea/day?
dunno what 3 means there, but 2 litres would do good, as i heard :)
2 litres? Lol :D Pretty much don't you think? :P I'm drinkin 2-4litres of water/day sometimes when there is 30+ degrees I can drink 6litres :<

But this green tea isn't good, I'm just drinkin it with breakfast n' dinner :P
i myself had always probs to drink much after eating every 3 hours too :)
3 litres was my daily maximum
image: fase3menu_mannen

scratch some out, meaning eat this but less.
It's rather cheap.
that means jackshit
aerobic doesn't burn fat, it burns calories
it doesn't matter if he is training 10 mins or 20, once he did, the body starts burning while in the break, as in, hours after the training or even the next day
so you are sayin that there is no diffrence between running 2 times x 30 mins and running just 1 time for 1 hour ?
why not wait, buff more and go cutting later ?
3 km isn't going to make any difference
fat kids going to gym for the first time, it's an achievement for them man

let them be , don't hate :<
sorry, but are you a woman?
well its 12:43 PM and i just got home from dunkin donuts...might go to the gym soon then im going fucking CLUBBINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Gym Tan Laundry, bro ?

except that you don't need a tan, and mommy does laundry :PPPPP
im getting my guido up too, its okay chief
im not lol this is actually the 2nd time ive ever actually gone to a club...and gym is an everyday thing
ale ta fote z profilu to moglbys wyrzucic :/
Dobre to polo z croppa, nie?
chodzi o to ze nie masz sie czym chwalic :/ "jeszcze" mam nadzieje :P
No jak nie, przeciez polo jest zajebiste xD I tu na prawde, nie chodzi o bicka :D Levy chcial zobaczyc nowe polo jakie kupilem, to jeblem mu jeszcze bicka jako dodatek, bo czesto na temat silki gadamy :P
obvious troll is obvious.

even an ET player cant be this retarded
separi indeed...
It's my fake since a year. I think it really suits me, don't you think?
jestes miernota zyciowa.. :)
Piszac na portalu poswieconym osobom, ktore w 80 % oprocz grania nic nie robia innego o tym,ze trenujesz na silowni i rece same Ci niedlugo beda rosly sam sobie wystawiasz opinie. Moze za mocnych slow uzylem ale jak bedziesz swoja zone bzykal to tez o tym kazdego dnia napiszesz na crossfire ? Wyobrazam to sobie tak : Dzisiaj ze swoja ukochana 4 godziny bylismy w lozku, potem pojechalem swoim audi na zakupy do empiku i kupilem sobie oryginalne plyty audio zespolu Judas Priest, a co wy robiliscie crossfire ( 15-16 letni chlopcy ) ? Sam sie nad tym zastanow.

Edit : Ty nawet pamietam Twoj nick jak wszedlem w Twoj profil, szacunek i pozdrowka :)
Ale nie rozumiem twojego oburzenia, lol :D. Mnie nie interesuja osoby, ktore tylko graja w gierki na tej stronie, jak widzisz wielkiego spamu w tym journalu nie ma, wypowiadaja sie osoby, ktore maja o tym jakies pojecie i prowadze z nimi dyskusje, reszta, czyli Ci ktorzy tylko graja nie wypowiedzieli sie w tym temacie, chyba ze mowimy o kilku trollach, ale ich raczej zignorowalem.

I z drugiej strony, co ma ruchanie mojej zony do silowni, bo ja nie widze za bardzo zwiazku. Na xfire od dawien dawna istnieje tradycja z opowiadania swojego elo dnia, oczywiscie robia to osoby ktore tego chca, a komentuja je osoby ktore maja cos do powiedzenia oraz te, ktore zycia nie maja.

Ja osobiscie takie journale traktuje jako prowokacja do rozmowy, ja to lubie, bo jako tako szkole swoj angielski, mimo ze nadal robie wiele bledow. A komentarze typu 'jestes miernota zyciowa' nie traktuje wcale negatywnie, bo sam kiedys mialem taka opinie o osobach, ktore robia to co ja robie teraz, ale to dobry sposob by pocwiczyc angielski.
No ciesze sie,ze chociaz w miare sensownie to wytlumaczyles, szacuneczek :) Z jednym sie tylko nie zgodze : osoby na crossfire maja o tym raczej nikle pojecie, moze z paroma wyjatkami :), uwierz mi, pozdro
No oczywiscie, doskonale o tym wiem, ale gdy wlacza sie do dyskusji w miare widac ich pojecie na dany temat, gdy widze, ze zaczynaja schodzic z tematu, robic sobie jaja to po prostu to ignoruje :P
juz wiem czego mi w zyciu brakowalo ... tych lamusow co sie chwala tym ze wyszli z domu i od kompa sie oderwali xD
Wiec ludzie mowili prawde, ze jestes idiota 8D
idiota ma studia prace kobiete i jest 10 razy lepszy w ta gre w ktora juz nie gra xDDDDDDDD wez tam napisz na crossfire jak wyjdziesz do klubu pierwszy raz i wrocisz po 24 xD na pewno wszyscy beda chcieli o tym przeczytac, o buleczkach z maslem na sniadanie tez mozesz. jest to zajebiscie ciekawe zajecie zwlaszcza jak sie nie ma znajomych do ktorych mozna otworzyc gebe ;D pozdr lelaku
Super, masz studia i dupe, co w tym takiego wspanialego i dlaczego probujesz wyjsc na lepszego ode mnie?:D

Ja tez nie gram w ta gre, wiec teksty z tym, ze poswieciles miliard razy wiecej godzin w napierdalanie w to niz ja mozesz zachowac dla siebie.

W klubie bylem kilka razy, ale bylem zbyt zjebany by myslec o tym, by napisac sprawozdanie z tego, ale nie omieszkalem pochwalic sie swoim e-kolegom z baunsowania z fajnymi sukami.

I nie pchaj wszystkich do jednego wora, to ze w moim wieku nie miales kumpli i dziewczyny, czy generalizujac zycia nie oznacza, ze ja jestem taki sam.

Skoro twoje zycie jest tak obfite nie widze sensu dla ktorego probujesz polemizowac dalej ze mna, moze idz wyruchaj swoja kobiete, endzojnij lajfa na studiach zamiast tutaj wchodzic.
just came back from the gym where i trained all my muscles so hard and i was sweatin so hard. on my way home i with my porsche i had to wait at the stationlight some seconds and next to me stopped a cabrio with 3 hot models. they jumped over to my porsche and while i was driving we had some great sex. on the way home i threw them out in the turkish quarter so my mates have some fun too. back at home i found 100 euro on the ground and bought my mother a nice kebap from the kebapstore next to our house. after entering my room i moved on my bed where my sexy girlfriend was already waiting. because i was a bit to late she watched some lesbianporns on my 100inch flatscreen wiht hd. suddenly her twin jumped out of my cupboard and we had all nice sex. okay. i said to them wait here...im gonna take a shower now and went to the toilet. i dont know why, but adriana lima was standing naked in my shower.

my day so far
That's quite interesting, my day started when I came late at work and my boss (female) said nothing, and gave me a blowjob instead. Later I got a phonecall from doutzen; she wanted me very bad, although i've never talked to her before, and was wondering where she got my number from. She told me she got it from Jennifer, who I gave a baby. (sorry Marc) After that I went to the gym and there was some guy who said he was from the future and gave me a yellow pill; he said it's a special pill that will make you look like you are working out for 10 years. And "BAM" suddenly I was looking like Arnie. After that I saw that Obama needed me for some confidential meeting, he and others decided it would be better for me to be the president of the US. When i finaly sat in my presidential chair I got a visit from God himself saying he would rather want to see me ruling all instead of him. The song that came to my mind was: "I've got the power"... Why? Beats me...

My day so far...
I got trolled by Zepter :(
Plecy, triceps i przedramie na jednym treningu?
To jak wyglada Twoja rozpiska? Co w jakie dni robisz?
Nie chce mi sie poprawiac polskich znakow, bo kopiowalem z kfd

Split 3x w tygodniu

Najszerszy grzbietu
- podci&#261;ganie na dr&#261;zku 4x max
- wios&#322;owanie sztang&#261; 4s/12/10/10/8
- martwy ci&#261;g - 3s/10

- pompki na por&#281;czach 3xMAX
- wyciskanie francuskie sztangi le&#380;&#261;c 3x/12/10/8

- Zwijanie nadgarstków podchwyt 3s/15-12
- Uginanie przedramion ze sztang&#261; nachwytem 2s/15/12

Klatka piersiowa
- le&#380;&#261;c na &#322;awce poziomej, wyciskanie sztangi w gór&#281; - 4x/12/10/10/8
- wyciskanie sztangielek na &#322;awce sko&#347;nej w góre - 4x/12/10/10/8
- rozpi&#281;tki 4x/12/10/10/8

- uginanie przedramion ze sztang&#261; 3x/12/10/8
- Modlitewnik 3x/12/10/8

- przysiady ze sztang&#261; na plecach w w&#261;skim rozkroku - 4x/12/10/10/8
- Prostowanie nóg na maszynie siedz&#261;c -3x/12/10/8
- Zginanie nóg na maszynie le&#380;&#261;c - 4x/12/10/10/8

- Wyciskanie sztangielek - 4x/12/10/10/8
- Wzruszanie ramionami - 3x/12/10/8
- stoj&#261;c, podci&#261;ganie sztangi wzd&#322;u&#380; tu&#322;owia - 3x/12/10/8

- stoj&#261;c na podstawce, wspi&#281;cia na palce - 4x/12/10/10/8
you dont need to be strong to cut asparagus
wow damn,you just run 3km!!!! yo being' hustlin' da hood boy
naaah just joking...you did some great achievement,seriously
Wiesz, nie jestem jakims tam 'pro' w tej dziedzinie (chociaz wygladam nienajgorzej), ale wydaje mi sie, ze lepiej byloby biceps robic z plecami, a triceps z klatka. Bo tak to i bica i trica robisz 2 razy w tygodniu, no chyba, ze takie bylo zalozenie ;)

Ja bede teraz probowal to:

Mam w sumie okolo 3ch miesiecy do turnieju w kosza, moze uda mi sie znaczaco poprawic skocznosc i dynamike ;D
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