Contador is sorry

Ohhhhh, he's soooowwy about what happened yesterday.

excuses afterwards are no excuses.
Better late, than never... Cancercunt!
How rude, Lance is cancerfree now. hater
lol its a fucking race:D you dont expect him to wait for every single guy
biking has habit of beeing sportmanship towards others especially if there's technical problem, obviously by the 'book' he should've waited him but like u said its a race..
It might be "unethical" but since there is no written rule I think he did the right thing.
Dont get me wrong, I also think its a race and he should go on. But it is interesting, how you cant see a link between morality/ethics and a law.
In game there are no laws, just rules you have to follow or else you get kicked out or get a penalty. They are similar to laws but they are not laws.

Most laws are made based on what average person would do/wouldn't do (stealing, killing etc), so I think there is at least a small link between them.
Rules and law(s) mean the same, they are just two words for it. Check out football rules - they are called Laws of the Game. The point is, they have normative character. Normative - means "how it should be".

Anyway, many philosophers agreed that, basicly, there are written rules (lowest level) and there are more important unwritten rules (either God's laws or natural laws). Moral laws were in the past considered important, and people didn't need something to be wirrten on paper to obey that. Refer to Kant. Now ethics are redundant and nobody cares about them and that is just sad.
isnt biking the sport with the highest amount of drug users?
totally different subject
If you're talking sportsmanship, drug abuse is definately a big part in that.
those will never win anything poor faggotz
Ivan Basso, Floyd Landis, Jan Ullrich? not the worst runners in the world :-)
lolll finnish people know about cycling
actually i dont but i do watch randomly it time to time, correct if i was totally wrong with that comment.
Hmmwah I don't know shit about cycling although when I watch it I always hear the commentators saying that the sportsmanship disappeared and the only thing which is important now, is the importance of the team, money, sponsors blabla..
I was just surprised a fin is interested in cycling hence my comment!
i even watch orienteering!
tbh, mechanical problems and flat tires are part of the sport

lucky for contador, bad luck for schleck

it still is a race you know
He shouldn't he was about to attack when it was obvious Andy was the one attacking. He should've waited, Jan & Lance would've.
wewy powafu wawwia
this sport is soo boring :<
lol at him saying "the peleton was cut on the cobblestones and andy took advantage of that while i was in the back"

That's called bad positioning and being sucky on cobblestones ":D
We're lucky we still have a sport where sportmanship is valued so highly. Sure it's still a race, but let it be a race between the real skill & power of the racers instead of a race between the least mechanical problems or falls.
well perhaps sportmanship is still valued so highly however I always feel like the one who wins a cycling round is the one who is best prepared by means of drugs, fresh blood cells and all that kind of crap.
I don't trust a single one of em
Ye it's a very shady business
Table tennis.
unwritten "rules" .. but schleck will get the maillot jaune back :)!
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