Epicness is Epic

So I was bored today and found my Nintendo 64 with the best game of all time: Ocarina of Time. God, I've played it for 3 hours straight now and I can't stop. Everything is so awesome about this game. So Crossfire what is your favourite game of all time ?

Morrowind, hands down.
I love oldskool gaming.
et until krosan destroyed it
my favs =

Crash Team Racing
Super Mario World
Super Mario Bros Wii (4 player, was the best multiplayer experience ever)
wheres pokemon?
oh fick ja, forgot it

Pokemon Silver is the one to have imo
pokemon blue

and ofc best game of all time:


image: RollcageBox
Id say FF7 is my favourite game of all time. FF8, FF10, zelda ocarina of time + windwaker, majoras mask, a link to the past, twilight princess, goldeneye, perfect dark, super metroid, metroid prime, castlevania symphony of the night, killer instinct, crash team racing, mario 64, warcraft 3, star wars knights of the old republic, serious sam all ruled as well, but Final Fantasy 7 is the the god of videogames.
Napoleon , age of empires, all the strategy games i played in fact. but the must of all the games i ever played is till by far Praetorians.
Hard one!

Random order, without the obvious ET/RtCW/Quake:

Dungeon Keeper (PC)
Monkey Island games (PC)
Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis (PC)
Zelda: Link to the past (SNES)
Final Fantsay 7 (PS 1)
C&C: Red Alert (PC)
Pokemon (had the blue edition) (Gameboy)

Too bad most new games won't even come close to beating the gaming experience of the oldies :-(
still have my n64 :D

so many good things about that game


riding around hyrule on epona

killing zombies on the market

just a few that pop up in my mind
image: Secret-of-Mana-Box or image: terranigma
SNES still pwns the shit out of every other console
awesome game indeed!
However Twliight Princess > OOT > Majoras Mask

also loved games like banjo&kazooie and bad fur day for n64!
Banjoo and Kazooie was pretty epic indeed ;)
playing metroid prime atm on gamecube, great game too
but no game can be compared to zelda
Zelda: Ocarina of time
secret of mana
Banjo Kazooie

Edit: love the lost woods melodie <3
Junge da warst du so klein da kannste dich doch garnetmehr dran erinnern
Zelda: OOT (N64)
Banjo Kazooie (N64)
The whole MGS series. (PSX, PS2 and PS3)
Pokemon (Gameboy, DS)
GTA 3 (PS2)
zelda ocarina of time goede herrinering vroeger hele buurt wilde het spelletje als eerste uitspelen:XD
et, mgs3, gta3, sa, 4
best melody ever
Tetris and Pacman. All other games can piss off
omg Zelda .. epic game.. gives me goose gimples when i see the Zelda scenes :D

e: but i can't decide which one is the best
mariokart 64, pokemon red, metal gear solid, supermario world, C&C Red alert.

more fun playing those games than ive had in any new ones tbh
Mario kart for the fucking win!
pokemon :3
Zelda: A Link to the Past. Best game ever, full cleared it like 30+ times.
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