K1/MMA fights

i'm looking for some epic battles so gief torrents and stuffzzzzzzzzzz <33333333333333333333

stuff like this <3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDw3tUuoLpM
epic pharaoh was epic, i was like wtf at that ult from the other side of the map and that annihilation was so sweet from ss
pro magmus + SS!
Badr Hari vs Bonjasky :D final 2007 I think it's the one Badr Hari couldn't control himself.
mega shark vs giant octopus
Not a heavyweight, but he's definitely one of my favorites^^.
damn, that's fucking brutal :D. check out some CroCop videos; he's a beast too.
the fuck

honestly, u could kill some1,
some are stomping on some1's head, that like wtf
Mirko CroCop <3
such a girls sport!
BATISTA fighting soon on MMA :)
I lold so hard when he owned that big black guy x))
It's a fkin giant, how da hell did he get him down xD
this is no sport this is bullshit...
Anderson Silva vs Forrest Griffin
Chuck Lidell vs Wanderlei Silva
Frank Mir vs Minotauro Nogueira
Mirko Cro Cop vs Pat Barry - mirko showed some fucking nice kicks
BJ Penn vs St. Pierre
both (1st and 2nd) Shogun vs Lyoto

http://video.mmator.com/ - good site
pudzianowski vs najman !
Fatality! Steroid freaks.
who fighted there?
all i know is that the guy who gives headshots is mama
:DD why the fuck would 4 ppl fight vs mama?
Fedor <3
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