gambling is a cunt!

lost 30 quid on the roullete =[

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i get sex from anteaters :)
thanks for the info, now gtfo sir
Then ur not playing it right mate !
playing it perfectly right, just been unlucky today =[
I can't see how u can lose 30 with roulette :p most I've ever lost at it was 10

depends on how much u play each round I guess
i normally do 4 pound spins to begin with, if i start winning risk it a bit more.
There is no system you can have to win money in roullette, you can have systems to minimize your loses. I work in a gambling company for the last 3 years, Its hilarious the people think they can have bulletproof systems in roullette. Blackjack is a differant story though.
Online or a casino?
Do you not get cleaned out by bonus bagging?

I made thousands bagging on blackjack
Not that I know of
Are you familiar with it?
Do you mean bonus abuse in general or something specific to black jack?
Depending on the variant of blackjack, it's the highest % chance win for the gambler. 49.5% in most places. Which makes it the best game to bag bonuses on.
i know, its pretty much luck based, but if you play it well you can still prevent stupid loses like it happened to me today, what you mean with blackjack? i find the machines proper biased in blackjack =/
Allot of regular blackjack players would have systems, meaning the would know what move to make depending on the cards they / dealer gets rather than make the decision based on there instinct.
oh yeh of course, i myself do that, but thats the exact reason i dont like playing blackjack, im able to guess quite frequently what the dealer is gonna get after seeing his first card, which just makes it shit.
"im able to guess quite frequently what the dealer is gonna get after seeing his first card"

nah i just play it to lose money, you doubt it? at least at the corals i go to its relatively easy to do as you start picking up a routine, not saying i do it every time but i do do it fairly often, and to answer your question below, yes i do.
It's random. There is no routine.
You find the machines biased on blackjack? :DDDDDDdd
count yourself lucky
i do, i dont normally lose ;)
what numbers do you play? gonna play tonight in the casino, share you tax!
depends how you wanna play, i normally start by covering 0,1,3,18,1716,14,20,36,34 if thats paying out i keep covering them with a couple more, if it doesnt i have a look at the numbers that have been rolling out and play from then, luck is a mojor factor in this game tho.
why would u play roulette even.. it's all about luck :)

play a skillfull game like poker or even blackjack!
the roulette bots don't let you even win much :D
You cant win in Roulette lol.
You can win in Poker tho (and a lot :D)
true but they still are both luck based :( lost in live poker with friends last night for the first time in a long time. got my money in good everytime (f.e. AK vs A10) but get out-flopped :(
Poker isnt one hand played, poker isnt one game played, poker is no month, poker is a lifetime
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