Long hail A(eF)dmin

Hello there,

Guess what, AeF is just 8 days away. ( for some even closer)

What do you guys think that the AeF staff can do more to help this old$kool come back on a competative track?

I'll tell you what, you might know or not know me.
You might like or not like me.

But as far as AeF goes,

I'll be there..

As an rtcw:ET admin & fan of this game.

P.S: anyone care to bring me up to date?

wth is 5o5.ET :'(

ManKo is back bitches!
I just read this shit.
yeah i ran it true and deleted most of it.
I forgot some et-players can't write nor read
AEF Admins are shit. period.
thank god we got though guys like you to protect the scene

Long time no speak dude : )
Long time indeed :)
was gehtn hier xd
Ich glaube nicht, dass du dir bewusst bist was es heißt ein Mitglied des Velerionclans zu beleidigen. Lass lieber schon mal die Rolladen runter....die Rache wird fürchterlich sein.
It's W:ET not RtcW:ET.

Just sayin' :P
geef een teken
laat ze weten

:DDDDDDDDDDDDD haha good times
can't believe u aint dead yet :p
cause uuuu crrrazzzyyyy
No I'm not :(
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