Suckiest lovers in the world are...
22 Jul 2010, 23:52
Reason: They dont give much on their look and sometimes they stink.
Reason: They are simply lazy.
Reason: They end sex before it even starts.
The Netherlands
Reason: They arent gentle in the bed.
Americans, because they are too dominant, and finally, the Greeks, arguing that they are too sentimental - even for female tastes.
What do you think?
Reason: They dont give much on their look and sometimes they stink.
Reason: They are simply lazy.
Reason: They end sex before it even starts.
The Netherlands
Reason: They arent gentle in the bed.
Americans, because they are too dominant, and finally, the Greeks, arguing that they are too sentimental - even for female tastes.
What do you think?
Other countries who didn't fare well in the poll were Scotland (too loud)
"KKKEEEEEVVVLLLAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! has arrived you porky cunt. now get out, your taxi's phoned."
classy or what.
West germany only.
this ducking butterfly is harrassing me :S what should i do????!
boosted it away with a fan :xD
Not really, goes worldwide
i mean im for example pretty sexy. and do not stink at all.
PS: I fuck goddamn hard, and I'm goddamn proud of it!
nice education you've got there, our the economy is increasing most quickly in europe, and at least im living on higher level than 90% uk people