What u gonna do today crossfire :)

Im going to fuck chicks or just stay home playing poker, not sure yet, as i might have to do that tomorrow aswell. :)

What are u guys going to do? :)

Also damm at my calfs hurt, was hard day yesterday and forgot to stretch em. :)

And if I choose to ride
Thuggin' till the day I die
Nobody gives a fuck about us
But when I start to rise
A hero in they children's eyes
Now they give a fuck about us
going to see evol intent + technical itch
amazing producers
man, I'm seriously jealous, where are they playing?
Maaseik, Belgium
:o jealous :(
hehe yes, im excited as fuck :)) will be good night
Recovering from guiness hangover today, there the worst. Going to some MMA event tomorow which should be fun, some people will get there skulls cracked
Especially when you're probably getting bad guinness @ UK.
Im in Ireland :), in work so its a UK proxy.
Hahah oh right, where is a good pint of Guinness in town? I guess that's where you are?
Just outside town, are you in Dublin? The nicest pint is a place called downey's, its a tiny pub just off Grafton street. Its like fecking icecream, unreal stuff.
No I'm about 40 mins bus away, but I go up for games and that but then we do be in Quinns mostly. Been up a few times with college and that but won't try the guinness incase it's bad. Won't try Guinness outside of a few pubs in my village I know where it is cream to be honest!
Its grand in most places, but I wouldnt really know since I only started drinking it two X-mas ago
Even though I'm only turning 19 now I've been drinking it in pub for the last 3 years! It also helps that I'm a barman so I like my pints!
nerding whole night obv.
fuck all!
work from 21-1
easy peasy, then iam going to bath in zeh lake
killing image: wasp-even-the-name-strikes-terror at my room -.-
nice profile pic, your sister right?
work, drink, sleep
I go home in 15min. Shower, music and sleeep next 12h.
going to have a met evening with some friends
how i met your mother!
my girlfriend is home from paris today, i don't know if i'll be able to see her though because she's gonna be back pretty late and im workin the next day but I'd rather go into work tired knowin that i'd seen her than not... :p but before that my m8s wanna go to the pub so, yeah pub =O
Ahh you so sensitive! <3
so basically you decide between watching porn or playing online-poker, huh?
just finished taking a bath after cleaning my apartment.

gonna go bouldering tonight + possibility of gentse feesten
gonna work in 1 hour ;(
fucking chicks.

heard it is the cool thing to do
Yeah its okay, getting bored tho.
getting bored of your hand right?
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