crackle sound?


maybe i'm just too stupid but on some parts on some maps (e.g. grush, karsiah, oasis) my fps drops down from 125 to ~ 100-110, as a result the ingame sound sounds simply crackly and ye...dunno how to explain.

so i am wondering if there is / are any commands i should change? i've also reinstalled vista few days agi (not because of this problem but its still there :S)

thanks in advance!
sound khz to 44 as i remember
got it already
i have the same problem
i play with 50 fps and on the same maps i bet at the same areas the fps drops down to around 20 fps and i hear this crippled sounds!
cant find a solution

edit: i tried several things but nothing helped. but i have only sometimes this problem, mostly on full servers
its mainly in parts and maps with a lot of "sand" like grush, oasis and karsiah


at least 50 % of grush is pure sand so wheres your problem ?
irq problem
I've been getting that sound thing to since I formatted.. and slight lags in my sound..
Try reinstall sound card drivers or roll back windows. Do you have a web browser open when you are playin ET?

Happened to me twice on Win7 64 bit - rolled back - fixed!
Second time - deleted snd drivers etc - reinstalled - fixed!

Waiting for it to happen again...

Shit games are shit!
1. rolled back few days ago
2. doesn't matter if the browser is open or closed
maybe you are just stupid ? :D
ask INSTi
you are a musician you can hear the finest note in sound...

perhaps it is your imagination is cutting pranks...

anyway i dont know how to solve it :(
maybe you are just stupid ? :D
Ok just try this - shutdown pc - turn it off - unplug power lead for like 30 secs to a minute then plug back in. Turn on etc.

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