What has this world come to?


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PS: I have no affiliation with that strange site what so ever, just wanted to share that link.
lold at the site :DDDDDDD
wtf is that kinda site
Waiting for the second holocaust.. it'll happen sooner or later when the amount of immigrants still increases in Europe..
niggers. fucking niggers.
snip0 last month called they want their vid back! but I agree with you it is shockin.
Never seen that one before and it's not even on youtube, only on that strange site there.

It's a fucking disgrace.
this makes me so mad :/
I just want to kill all these moslim niggers
dont have anthying against immigrants, most of my friends are immigrnats anyway. sometimes id like to punch all of them though.
look what a fucking retard. fucking nigger doesnt get her number because hes ugly as fuck and he gives her a slap which i wouldnt even have felt.
03:10:53 +eLc • dieser reaz
03:11:03 +eLc • die ohrfeige würde wie der wind an ihm vorbeigehen
03:11:12 +eLc • vorbeistreifen an seinen roten haaren
everything is true beside the last line :o)
Quoteeverything is true beside the last line :o)
ich mag dich auch so ist mir egal was du jesagt hast :-*
sons laecherlicher hurensohn nigger wie gern ich ihm eine klatschen würde. das verkackte video macht mich bei jedem gucken nur noch aggressiver :'(
ein anderer reißt ihr sogar noch die beine weg am ende :((
das is noch mit das schlimmste. das der andere dulli der noch so hinterherrennt und ihr die beine weg zieht. und vorallem da is noch son kerl dabei. der rein gar nichts macht und sich das anguckt. ohne witz ich haetten den niggern aber mal sowas von die fre$$e puliert. die haetten richtig kassiert die ottos.
wollen wir hoffen, dass sowas hier nicht passiert sonst kommt gleich das thema: deutschland und ausländerfeindlich :-)
ach wer da den unterschied nich machen kann soll sich selber verpissen. ohne flax. waer so dumm ist und eine frau schlaegt nur weil er nen korb bekommt ist schon peinlich und laesst mich stark zu einem sehr niedrigen selbstwertsgefühl tendiern.
true my dear. ich wünsche dir auf deinen weiteren lebensweg viel erfolg und gesundheit. versetze die welt in staunen mit deinen kühnsten träumen die auch umsetzen wirst. ich mag dich. :-)
hört sich voll nach abschied an du arschloch. ich finde abschiede immer traurig :/
hab dich auch lieb mein hase :-*
Und mich? : (
dich sowieso. du hast mich schweini genannt und siehe da er ist ein weltstar
ich liebe dich :-*
lol, wie geil ihr drauf seid :)
Hahaha, Finger weg vom Alkohol Marv. :D

Aber ich liebe dich auch. :*
ich musste ein wenig lachen.
stupid niggers
cruel world - fuck you :(
sie hat da aber auch nix zu refusen. always keep your pimp hand strong
aber auch wahr, xatar hätte sie insta für 3 mille verkauft. aber sein fickstil ist auch etwas härter.
erstma die schlampe in club geschmissen dann hätte sie getanzt bis xatar bzw. alle im club nass werden. thug life biatch
weils ja egal is was xatar macht, nä
in clubs sind halt keine geldtransporter unterwegs
drölf überfallene reichen fürs erste, now kohle scheffeln mit nutten verkaufen. dit isn buiznezmodell man. xatar <3
wir sollten uns jetzt paar minuten zeit nehmen und an xatar denken mit diesem herrlichen weihnachtslied von xatar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VXEvicG-NAI
kanaaaaaaacken so viel wie saaaaaaand am meeer (saaaand am meeer) *sing* xoxoxo :-)

edit: ich habe snip0s youtube account gefunden:

vor 17 Stunden
/gaskammer&#65279; ;)
vorallem mit was für einer hohen stimme er den part singt. genial!

@snip0 hahahaha : DD
danke für die schöne unterhaltung mein freund, ich fahre jetzt nach salzburg und sehe zu wie die bullen untergehen :-))))))
wünsche dir einen genehmen tag. die firma dankt!
vielen dank der herr! halte er seine pimp hand in der zwischenzeit eisern.
nicht nur die hand wird eisern gehalten
is a bad behaviour and should be punished but hey:u think white boys dont act though like this with a girl?cause if u do think that u really are more retarded than this black guy here :).is nothing related colour skin is related to education .and i saw enough white boys specially teenagers acting like real jurks with girls on the streets.so those of you who blame an entire nigger race for stuff like that are as i said:more retarded than this guy right here!
and one more thing for stupid cunts who talks about imigrants:your ancesters have got rich and your countries are so rich cause centuries ago your ancesters went and conquered the poor or the non violent countries in europe in africa and in usa.countries like netherland france england spain portugal if u would have minimum education u would know they did so much mass murders and so much stealing u name it from gold till oil and other stuff to get their fuckin pockets full your hands are so full of blood of the milions of neighbours that they killed for this stuff that if i would be in your place i would shut da fuck up when talking about imigrants.first learn some history than come making comments here!fuckin bitches
this is the internet, dont take it that serious
i know man but is pissing me off when stupid kids put this niggers stuff and i can t stop thinkin if their parents are not same dum and racists as they are like i can see the kkk or other killer group acting in full force slaughtering inocent children or women just for the colour of skin.i should ask this nerds here what do they know about that?
do u have the balls to tell me this to my face?i would not give u more than 5 seconds from opening your mouth till your head hits the ground fuckin wanna be internet though guy
but idk what is more worst:u talking crap cause your brain is not bigger than the size of a nut or me cause i listen to a punk like u
niggers in france,noone can touch them or u'r a racist. They are just brainless shittainted animals :>
dude ....for fuck sake do u hear your self talking?those niggers u talking about your ancesters fucked them so badly in their own country that they did not even recover now after 400 500 hundred years.
and u can say for sure that all niggers in france are brainless animals?or u maybe are brainless cause even if your mummy and daddy give u money to go to school u still did not learn shit of the history.i bet u dont even know your own country history.yea that s right we all know how stupid french ppl are specially when they make stupid jokes on tv about other people and than they say sorry in newspapers and on tv.yea yea we all heard about that shit.but remember this :your country dont live only on it s own economy but on the gygantic corporations which takes 90 procent of their profits from the poor countries.and u call that faire?well fuck off than!
Well it was in both ways, we exploited their country and still gave them some scolarship structures,other governement stuff. Not my fault if, in their country,people are all corupted,the rich killz poor for moneyZ,they are fighting all the fucking time. In france they are given MORE RIGHTS than the french inhabitant,and still,they whine,and fuck up the environment we pay them every fucking time. They can all burn,it'd be better,for the world :xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
tace the only place u might get being taking serious is here cause in real life we all know u dont represent shit.i dont care about pm or reply sytem mother fucker neither i care about u.i eat natural food and i m stronger than u will ever be spending half of your life in front of computer.when u done eating shit cause obviously that s the only thing u have to eat let me know.i replied to this topic and i interfere cause i hate fuckin white nerds with no girl friends that wanna appear mature and men enough on internet and the only thing they can do to proove that is being racits.when i was fighting life boy u wasnt playing with your non existent cock in the sand screaming to your mommy to buy a hot dog.your iq is smaller than dick of a mouse and stop wasting energy power and your parents mommy on internet bills better go do something usefull with your life like trying to work and earn your own money.and i rest my case bitch u are dissmissed!
image: vmxg89

for the french nerd:i shall give u credit if u tell me why this elite movie director and producer which btw is french and i bet u have no fuckin ideea who he is married a black chick?he was fuckin racist wasnt he?
all of u kids go grow up some balls if u wanna talk real life let me know if not keep tripping and u will be happy enough when real life will hit u in your fuckin faces u will remember my words:we are all humans nothing is more special on some of us rather than others.we are all victims of the system in same time just that some of us were more unlucky than the others.fuckin grow up....
thanks i know about that but i dont wanna use it.so u can have reason and call me retarded.u missing the point here kid.but that s not so big deal.at least we can blame the niggers for it
Ick jeb dir da schon recht wa.
Was ist das für eine welt, in der ein jut aussehender nigger, die phonenumb9r nicht bekommt.
why is the url registered to a guy called Julian E.?
antworte halt auf noch ältere journals :D
Hab grad erst gesehen was für Diskussionen hier noch aufgekommen sind, wollte eigentlich schon auf diesen ibunforgiven antworten aber dann wars mir doch zu doof, weils der eh nicht verstehen würde.
joah gesindel
tace is that u talking or just your stupidity?oo wait i just realise u and your stupidity is one and same thing.bitch i m a white man i m having latin blood running out my venes and u?well you first of all need a complete change of your dna second u need your tongue cut off than u need your fingers smashed down with a hammer ,u need be putted in a closed small room with no food and no water and no light for one week and after that mother fucker u will see how a nigger feels.or how they felt when they was incarcerated like this cause they did not want to work on the cotton fields anymore 200 300 years ago.and if that dont teach u a lesson than only a bullet can save u low life mother fucker
and BTW PAST is PAST, this is so ridiculous,blacks were slaves so 300y later we cant make jokes anymore ? Jews were persecuted so we cant say anything about them anymore ? Stop this bullshit.
straaf u know something but in same time u dont know shit.when the white ppl went to africa to give them as u say education and stuff they actually did it for other reasons:to make them mentally and fizically weak so they can be powned and controled better.the white church as catholic church for example did same thing by trying to change their religion to christianity.u talk about coruption who do u think brought the coruption to them?the white man!the white man with his tricks his sneaky tongue and deceipted brain spot up few of them who was lil bit stronger and promised them heaven so they can rat on the others.do u have any ideea how many ppl die for a diamant to come from africa to europe on the hand of your girlfriend for example?a lot.if white ppl would not interfer at all in their bussiness maybe they wouldn t have facebook yet but i guarantee u they would not have died by milions either.if france your country or other rich country in europe give them rights is cause this is the normal way to do.they dont give u more rights than u dont worry.read the human rights book after all u live in france and that is the major place from where democracy original grew up isnt it?now the rich countries in europe are paying the price for taking advantages from this 3rd world countries for hundreds of years.everything comes around amigo on this world
saying is one thing .but i can guarantee u from those who say there are a lot who actually would even do smt about it.u nerds are capable to find all shit on internet but nothing good u want me to show here what white ppl can do when racism blew up their minds?it would not be smt to nice to watch i can guarantee u that.and it would be good if as u say is just "jokes".but unfortunatelly i know many of so called comediants here if they would have minimum power as they dream here to have they would do more than just jokes
just take a look at your wonderful tv comediants and u will see why so many of u are just low life cunts

btw this prick was fierd next day from that tv network after he made this great great "joke".but if i would ever meet him i would fuckin smash his face
ibunforgivin is raging
god damn i am.i m raging when i see racism stupidity and evil from nerds
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