jinosta low+

he had 32xp when I had 54xp

yes long is 40 characters
great succes
iksde rolled

or not
2 finnish players on the server were owning ;F
i smell sarcasmm :L
:D its normal :P
preparing for lan
I heard even United Kingdom niSmO outaims him
That rumor is false, it is really that FinlanddrefA outaims him :s
It begs the question, who are drefa and nsimo?
don't know, never heard of either one, all i know is that drefA's some random 3hs dmg whore
Finland niSmO is a trivia hero from suomi
lol dude, jinosta owns you.
U is a pro mofo !
ye i won some 1on1 situations in a fun war against him yesterday hes low-
Yep I backrape killed him on a pub when he had low hp, fucking newb he is.
He is now ready for lan.
I dont rly know why u guys give him so much fame with ur unfunny journals ...
You forgot to add that you were using SLAC
wtf is this shit?
yes I almost killed him while he was on a pub afk and had 1 hp and only a knife .. he is low
but you are amazing
my friend isnt low
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