an awesome saying

in the spirit of this night, I wanna share this awesome saying with u cause I love u crossfire people:) adios

I live for the nights I can't remember with the people I'll never forget!

image: party
yeah yeah go there have fun
i think it should be " I can't remember the people I will never forget" :P
People died at the biggest party today that the world had to offer

i like this one better hehe
'with my mind on my money and my money on my mind'
good saying mate.. x)
When life gives you lemons just say "fuck the lemons" and bail.
Golf spoils a good walk.
"Winston, your drunk!"
Churchill: "you're ugly, and tomorrow morning I shall be sober"
tall woman is great for army march, short woman is great for sexy fun.
QuoteThe juice was worth to squeeze
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