AEF landodgers

have gone pretty much unnoticed, so list them here:


Virgin Islandsyou?
Finland Finland?!
Germany kiwi
Netherlands saken
Italy mama
Finland Fintastic5
Belgium phille
Netherlands motif
Netherlands shaky
Estonia Night
Croatia frozz

from what I've heard :c

Are you sure about heya?
so kiwi really not going :DDDDDDDDDDD

ban him already
phille didnt dodge :P
He was in bF -> doesn't go to lan with them -> bF picked up a worse player -> dodge
never said anything else :P
and why are you even talking here, since i dont see vibe anywhere :) and noone of them will ever be at any lan
Why shouldn't I talk here?
Never said we were going to lan and the clan doesn't exist anymore for quite some time, why should Europe vibe go to lan? :S
cuz boNg was just a shitty noname and friends with heya woDka etc and shit and now he's good? :)
That's why he might be a bit suspicious but he made it clear from the beginning that he doesn't go to LAN so I really don't see any problem.

And in all the wars I played with boNg I didn't see a single suspicious action so I really don't think he is/was cheating.
ye but saying you're not going to any lan, doesnt make you more suspicious?
QuoteThat's why he might be a bit suspicious

but by far not as suspicious as someone who is
#1 suspicious as fuck online
#2 says he is going but doesn't in the end
ye never get it, why cheaters say they will go lan and then decide not to go one week for lan D: stupid cheaters
phille looked for a team but didnt find one, he just played 1 or 2 offi's with us online.
never said phille was cheating, just saying he dodged the lan
worse player ?
wat ?
worse ?
player ?
pb on --> carlito leave :P --> pb off --> carlito back:D --> pb on --> carlito leave :P
pls he just lag :P
oh really ? lol didn't know that ... I guess I was wrong all along :S damn I feel I should apologize.. :S
nice one :D:D
shaky? The guy whos been to most ET LANs?
if u add me add Croatia frozz aswell :c
forgot him thx :*
those ppl already confirmed that theyre not coming? or is it just a list of what were gna expect? in that case WODKA OFCOURSE :D
ban heya then imo

fratske sucks
heya & Azur unhaxpected.
Naja er wollte erst gehen, kp mit welchem team
did anyone really think azur heya and wodka would show up ?

i mean they are the biggest bunch of hacking idiots since team pt
not to forget kiwi :p
kenn ich net^^
krosan, he didn't want to remove them when i told him they will dodge :(
he got the money so nbd for him :P
sagt mir irgendein random xDDDDDDDDD i lol'd
und du bist?
der den du random spast immer an beleidigen bist warum sollte ich sonst zu so einer mistgeburt replyen? vollpfosten.... srsly nur dumme leute hier :XDDDDDDDD
hatte auch nich erwartet dass du mich verstehst, idiot
heya only known for being a buster retard.
Belgium mAus obviously
ja und? sie habens angekündigt und meinten sogar "da seht ihr dann dass kiwi nicht an hat" und jetzt gehen sie nicht -> dodge
fratske is like low- so he's got no reason to "dodge"
so is skilva

0:43 nice aimbot
>>>>>>>>nice snaps @ 1:26<<<<<<<<<<< JUST LOL
wallscannin @ 2:35
Kinda funny video, never seen it before haha :D
You're right tho
fratske doesnt cheat hes like med-
agreed, but on that video hes hacking at the moments killerboy pointed out
i never cheated on any of those movies killerboy pointed out, he knows nothing.
just like u it seems
thinking fratske cheats makes you look like a brain crippled
so did you ban fratske already?
i dont now you but seeing that movie youre too retarded to hide your hacks, gz
he's right though =)
check the movie and i doubt you'd say that again :D
like he was serious...
I seriously doubt Fratske = hacker :D
agreed, but on that video hes hacking at the moments killerboy pointed out
can't that be lucky?:s
no, at least not the snap :D
which snap?:s I don't see anything that can't be a lucky snap :x
nothing weird in it?
da zijn gwn lows da in alles iets zien...
wij begrijpe elkaar ;)
lold @ 0:43 :Ddddd
hehe lol ye a 2:35 he looked straight at the the guy through the wall :P
I've been playing with fratske for a long time now. He got busted a long time ago because he got bored and downloaded some random hack and tested it @ UK|public. He got banned for 6 months, after he got banned he received a new computer for his birthday the new hardware gave him a new guid and he decided to never hack anymore.Later he did some apply at a team called wings, one of the members of this team was our beloved killerboy xD. After some research killerboy found out the guy who did the apply (swizzle) was aka fratske who cheated once @ a public server and who was still banned @ clanbase. So killerboy gave fratske a longer ban period at clanbase. All the time he has been busted I've been playing with him and he has never been cheating not once. If he had some weird frag he always gave me demos and I checked kinda every "weird" frag/multifrag from him looking for aimbot or wallhack or what ever, but on all the demos I asked for and wich he gave me directly I couldn't find anything suspicious. You probly ask yourself right now why would he "dodge" LAN then if he got nothing to hide? Fratske and me decided to go to AEF LAN since the crossfire post came up about AEF LAN comming. We were both in the same team called Team Genuine. We both were really motivated, fratske payed like 3 weeks before the payment date of LAN just to make sure the leader of the team (abzes) got his money in time, so team genuine could pay for his spot at the AEF competition. After the payment was done and team genuine had his spot at the competition, 3 players of the team became really inactive and fratske and me were the only one left. Ofcourse everyone is going to LAN to have some fun and meet players in real life and stuff, but you dont want to get bashed really hard. Even tho its hard your still going with your team to show your own skills to the community and to play well at the competition. We both didn't care much about loosing or winning a match at the competition. But if we should play well and do what ever we could , and still get owned by the opponent they deserved the win and we would be satisfied. But as I said 3 members of the team became really inactive haven't showed theirself for a long time, we had to search for a new 5th like 3 times. After all those problems and the fact that, what was left of team genuine, was only fratske and myself, we made the decision to leave team genuine because there wasn't much motivation left to play at LAN due to the fact of inactivity of the rest of the team. After a while fratske made other plans @ the first LAN day, but we both decided to still go to LAN to meet each other in real life. In mean while an ET friend of me called Otyg, who I've been playing with for a long time, told me that he was going to LAN with some team called mighty ducks, just a motivated fun team who were still looking for a decent fifth. I decided to apply and since then I've been a member of a new LAN team. So saying fratske really dodged LAN isn't true at all in my opinion because if someone pmmed fratske about a motivated team who were looking for a 5th, I'm really sure he would have take this change with both hands if he didn't made plans already. What about those "snapping aim" shots then? Many guys who have been playing with haste, know that haste got a "snapping aim" to. (quote: Haste: I don't spend any time learning to play good, I spend time learning how to snap like an aimbot :D) And so is the same with fratske, it's just the way he plays the game. I think you can even say every single player who has been playing this game for a while got his own "aiming-style". And sometimes we all got some random headshots in the air, or some sick tracing skills, sometimes its skill and sometimes its just luck. But everyone has to admit, that when you are playing clean, and someone starts flaming you for cheats it gives you a little boost =) And what about the "wallhack-part" in the movie. In my opinion this is just kinda the same as with the aim story, sometimes its skill and your able to hear the opponent, and sometimes its just pure luck. If your playing 5vs5 and you hear someone you always try to start tracking him trough the walls and then again, sometimes your just lucky. But for the guys who are still not convinced about the fact that fratske is playing clean and he didn't really "dodged" the LAN event. Should ask him for any specific demo, I'm really sure he would like to give you, it might be possible that you can ask me for it because as I said I'm checking his demos a lot, not for trying to get him busted, just because I like his way of playing this game, because he's a really decent and nice player who has never been been whining ingame or started flaming the opponent by himself. As you see this post became bigger as it supposed to be, but I hope this post clarifies the reason he's not going to the event to play. For the guys who are still going to the AEF event, good luck! I'm looking forward to it =)
cba to read, tell me on TS next time
what a surprise...

and simoon thought azur and heya would come =D dumb frog
dumb frog :)))))))))))))):PpPPppP
Netherlands Pinoo

look down
dann sollen sie es nicht vorher ankündigen wenn sie zu arm sind nach belgien zu fahren ":D"
gut dass du den grund kennst warum stray und kiwi nicht kommen :)
kiwi meinte er kommt, kommt jetzt doch nicht -> sache ist wohl eindeutig ;)
du musst es ja wissen :)
überzeug mich vom gegenteil

1. haesslige fresse halten du hast dich auch noch keinem außer vllt deiner mama im RL vor der Tür gezeigt
2. wenn du den Grund kennen würdest, würdest du's verstehen
3. enjoyen wir das :)
4. genug Geld ist vorhanden & das muss nichtmal Mama zahlen wie bei dir bei jedem Pudding
5. survive hat niemals angekündigt, dass sie zur Lan fahren und vor allem nicht zur AEF
6. wir sind sogut wie alle über 17 :]

Wie gesagt lass dich wieder bissl von Mama kraueln und dir würds schon bald wieder besser gehen.
Ich hab kein Plan was du mit meiner Mutter aussagen willst aber ich habe mit Sicherheit mehr Geld selber erwirtschaftet als du in den nächsten 20 Jahren verdienen wirst.

Ich habe auch nie davon gesprochen, dass survive auf LAN gehen wollte, ich sprach lediglich von kiwi, der angekündigt hatte es allen auf der AEF Lan zu zeigen.

1. Die Fotos von der CC7 (7) haben gezeigt, dass du ein kleines Muttersöhnchen bist der nach einem Schlag umfallen würde also check ich wirklich nicht warum du dich im Internetz so aufspielst wenn du im RL doch so eine bemitleidenswerte Kreatur bist

2. Den Grund dafür, dass er sich Cheats kauft um im Internet mal 1-2 Leute zu fraggen und dann auf Grund des nicht vorhandenen Spielverständnisses noch immer kacke zu sein? Den glaube ich zu kennen.

3. Ihr enjoyed was? Keiner redet von euch, es wird von kiwi geredet.

4. s.o.

5. survive interessiert KEINEN, checks halt mal :D

6. Ihr seid über 17. Great success! Was willst du damit sagen? :D
ich bin der beste und mein brain vernichtet dich
kiwi ist der beste und sein brain vernichtet dich!

& nein du hast kein Geld :)

zudem musst du dir echt nochmal deine vorherigen sinnlosen comments ansehen, dafür dass du jetzt 50% abstreitest!
ich werde auch da sein :)
ach kevji und die ganzen anderes bobs interessieren ja nicht, sind ja auch online schlecht. brainwise ist kiwi ja auch verloren aber würd mich halt echt mal interessieren was er aimwise abliefert da er vor nem jahr noch nen low+ fanboy war und jetzt jeden outaimed
warum zeigst du uns dann nicht mal deine uber skills auf lan?!
es geht nicht darum auf lan zu performen sondern erst zu sagen dass man kommt um dann nen rückzieher zu machen
aha das willst du mir sagen ?
betsimmt war er dein fanboy richtig?

du warst schon immer low+!
Nein, war er nicht, habe ich doch auch mit keinem Worten gesagt... naja, bist noch zu unreif um das zu kapieren :)
wüsste nicht das survive jemals irgentwas über die aef geschrieben hat?
DreaM hat vor einigen tagen ihr ticket verkauft
:D:D::D:DD: azur heya and co didnt really surprise :DDD
ne kp ob es überhaupt weggegangen ist
will F5 attempt any future LAN???

would be nice to see that.
im pretty sure, we wont
How many teams dodge/folded already, 19-20 left ?

IMBA the best

enjoy my 100 hs with slac izi
der beste aimer den es in et gab/gibt
die besten aimer sind schon lange inaktiv :x)
ich bin doch wieder da!
ich glaub da warst du noch gar nicht auf der welt ;)
ich muss auch nicht auf der welt sein um alles zu zerstören

e.weil ich der beste bin
merkste selbst ne
weil ich hart bin

e.ich bin noch 16 :D
willste nimma im ts vorbeischaun und ne Runde mit uns daddeln Erzieher?
too much Europe CbZ 8D
8D haters
Flights are expensive from Finland. Sorry guys.

E: Perfo, Wiadro, Azatej, Mztik, Hentai, Baggiez, Noodle, Arcade, Fragma, Mayni, Confo, Pilch. Fucking cheaters. Need to grow up, always dodging. Losers.
Netherlands sQuid
Belgium skilva
obviously LatviaClown :))
ich geh natürlich auch mit ner gebrochenend rechten hand die operiert wird un dann 4 wochen noch im gips sein muss zur lan..... :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
flamed weiter kinder :X
Ich habe gehört, dass Gedankenkraft funktionieren soll.
Croatia FROZZ, obviously hacker for sure and still dodging, what a nerd
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