Proxy help!

got some questions about surfing through proxy
1) when i proxy through settings in firefox, does it slow the connection/download?
2) when i proxy through some other program, does that change ip only in browser, or in applications like mirc too?
3) anyone can suggest nice proxy/ip hider application?
it will limit your download speed on proxy one, so yes, it will slow you down.
1) depends on the proxy location
2) get a shell
3) google *_* hundreds to choose from, but Tor would cover some

What are you trying to hide from exactly...? There are a few flaws in some stuff too like running Tor and proxy with utorrent etc.

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Just recently readed about how many stuff can any site u visit know about you, just with the ip.. and also, i am a little paranoid, so i will use it just for browsing net..
anyway, the tor looks nice, so thanks :)
you're all fucking idiots
newfags cant proxy
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