Running for vice president...

I am currently running for vice president for the new Dutch regime. Therefore, I can't make it to lan. I am very sorry and I understand that your guys are dissapointed. However, this is is no way some sort of LAN-dodge.

Forever yours,
I fully understand your convictions and with such a project it became obvious that you can't bother with such futile event like AEF.

I wish you a great success in your political career, I think that nobody will think that this is some sort of landodge anyway : you wouldn't have choose something so obvious, eh !
haha als dit geen trol is dan HAHAHAHA IK WIST HET
ik stop denk met ET, is niets meer aan
rotop we gaan bbros rebuilde eikel
ik hb al cheats van tinkelbel dat je kan doen alsof je slac aanhebt maar je hebt het niet!
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