headphones :]

I want to buy myself some really good headphones with excellent Sound. I DONT want to have a microphone on the headphones, because it will basicly be used for music (maybe for djing). So could you recommend me any ?

i thought about buying this one:

image: SENNHEISER%20HD%20280%20PRO
Sennheiser HD 280 Pro

image: Nok_Ussanee_Hot_Asian_Model_by_Kidd_Paradox

ps: i already own sennheiser pc151
ask perfo
turkhurensohnheiser pc 151
have them already
nice chick :D
get this one, if money doesnt matter

image: 5348_0
... -_-

max 150 eu id say
Get the RS140

image: 412F08V3F9L._SS500_

Awesome sound quality, yes they are wireless but I can go to my garden and listen to my music and there's no static noise :-) Can adjust each side too if your need more hearing @ say left ear!

that... that... thing... looks beastly.
You should be aware of the fact that the sound of the 280s can't be compared to the 555 or other open headphones, since the 280s are closed!
So basically the overall sound quality of open headphones is (atleast in this pricerange?) better.

The main advantage of the 280s or other closed headphones is the noise canceling. You won't have any problems listening to music or even play on LAN as you don't hear any outside noises (also the ppl around you won't hear what you're listening to). Comes in handy if you really plan to do some DJing with them.

I'm not much of an audiophile but I guess you could sum it up saying that open headphones sounds better than closed ones. While closed headphones get you the advantage of noise canceling (pretty huge advantage depending what they are bought for).

Afterall you won't regret buying any of them as you really don't wanna "torture" your ears again with rubbish gaming headset sound. Atleast I'm really happy with my 2nd pair of 280s.
open better than closed ones ? wutthefuck
Basically i want to use them to listen to music, but i want to keep the option open to use them for djing. Maybe im not every weekend on a club and make the dj, but maybe once every 1-2 month i do it on private parties and therefor i want good headphones.

So should i buy the Sennheiser HD 280 Pro ? (around 105-115 eu @ web).

(im prinzip möchte ich nur kein schrott kaufen, sondern etwas qualitativ hochwertiges, womit ich auch - falls ich lust habe - etwas professioneller arbeiten kann. Also kein headset, das nach 2 wochen schrott ist oder rauscht....sondern perfekten sound bietet)


habe ein meiner meinung nach besseres headset gefunden:
Shure SRH750DJ

Also der HD280 ist definitiv ein professioneller DJ/Studio Kopfhörer und du wirst ihn auch in dem Bereich oft im Einsatz finden (eher im Studio aufgrund der Größe).
Die Qualität ist definitiv sehr gut und es ist nicht ansatzweise vergleichbar mit günstigen Headsets oder Kopfhörern. Hier hat man schon was in der Hand, bzw. auf dem Kopf!
Vom Sound her kann ich ihn leider absolut nicht vergleichen mit anderen, außer dem HD555 (und irgendwelchen Headsets). Der 555 hat einen klareren Klang und sehr viel stärkeren Bass, fühlt sich allerdings auch im direkten Vergleich fast schon billig an (also von der Bauart her). Wobei der aufgrund der offenen Bauart eh suboptimal für den bestimmten Einsatz wäre.

Habe jetzt nach 3 Jahren meinen ersten 280 ersetzen müssen, was ich allerdings aufgrund teilweise sehr groben Umgangs selbst schuld war ;-). Konnte einen neuen recht günstig bei ebay ersteigern (~60 inkl 1 Jahr Restgarantie).

Zu dem Shure kann ich dir absolut nichts sagen. Denke da bist du in Audio-Foren besser beraten als auf Crossfire, wo die Hälfte der Leute eh nur irgendwelchen Steelseries Quatsch kaufen.
Allerdings habe ich auch die Erfahrung gemacht, dass diese Audioforen teils sehr übertreiben. Laut der Meinung einiger Leute da bekommt man keine brauchbaren Kopfhörere für unter 200 Euro und gute Hifigerätschaften kosten fast so viel wie 2 Monatseinkommen.
didnt read but nice chick
didnt read but nice chick
AKG K701 expensive but worth the money imo
image: 356
Beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO

image: 5041_l

~ 150€
Got the HD215, using them to play and djing.
They are perfect since they got a perfect noise canceling (like urtier said above) and they also got a great sound.
Those 280 are a lil better but way more expensive so if you want to do djing (and that not rly for the moneyZ) you should go for the 215 since in a club/party/w.e you wont need the 280.
If you just want the quality go for the 280 or some of the higher class (555)
280 pro ~ 106 eu :D
bought "bose around ear" last weekend, expensive but not really impressed
nice noice canceling since u sort of stick ur ear in it (sounds dirty :D)
but the sound is different from the original sound since it makes everything dully and adds more bass
gonna return them and try other headphones

AKG K701 looks nice but dunno which ones yet
get mine €5,- and rox :>
you dont buy sennheisers for DJing...
Id say go for some behringer one as they are cheap as fuck and sufficient. if on the other ahnd you dont have a history of breaking any headphone within 2 weeks you might wonna invest a bit more.
new sennheiser headsets out ( better than pc350 ) :) 115e
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