sleeping pattern, summer?!

so yeah, when im broke:

go sleep at morning (6-9), wake up in the evening (5-7), which sorta sux and i feel shit afterwards and mostly drink energy drinks to wake up because of the shit feeling, and when i go sleep i can't fucking sleep because of the energy drinks or coffee whatever.

when i haz moneys:

same, except im not nerding but partying.

so today i tried:

not to go sleepin, was nerding whole night morning and till 3 o'clock and couldn't fight it much longer and pass out for 4 hours, i feel shit again.

whats your pattern , any power naps? tell me how to fight and sleep normally:D

image: sleep-when-you-have-nothing-more-important-to-do-demotivational-poster
Ive been on my holidays for 3 days and already i feel fucked, going to bed 3am waking about 11
Thats fine, you still have your whole day then.
ohh woah....u only sleep 8 hours and what is important to notice is that clubs closes earliest at 3... GAMERNERD LOL
to young for clubs...
hahaha so u even admit it xD
mon - friday sleeping at around 0.00 waking up at 6.30

last weekends sleeping at around 5 - 8, waking around 3
I live like that 9/12months :P
Rest are examsmonths :o)
Examens in juni en dan herexamens? :D
+1 kerstexamens = januari wel :D
awel ja da bedoelde ik :D
i sleep 2 hours per day cause i trained my body to only use what is necessary

20 mins sleep 6 times per day
no wonder you are so messed up :D

i served you hard
only thing that's hard is my "tiny" piemel
are you serious ?
sleep 2 3 or 4 am - wake up at 1pm

some allnighters when partying aswell ofc:)
mon-fri always in bed by 11- 12 max

friday night, always up till 3,4,5ish then sleep like 12hours or so

then on sunday I usually stay up until 1or 2, get 3-4h of zzz's and get up for work

this pic fits better for you imo

image: repeat
Summer is the only season I get into a rhythm because I work full time.
my sleeping pattern is totally random in the summer. sometimes i sleep from 4 to 8, sometimes from 23 to 14. Yesterday for example i slept from 6 to 9 then from 10 to 17
Job. D:?

EU money already spent? :p
stupid nerd hahahha
get a job for summer
my pattern is exactly like yours and idd it sucks
Nolifer lox xaxaxa
zhri salo suka predal svoju stranu teper zhivi v muhosranske, pidar
Ito bq govoril xddddddd
yes we all know that you are a pathethic nerd sleeping 4 hours so you can maximize your CF time and drinking energy drinks :'D

try going out geek

image: 7545_dnz
The fuck, you sleep 10 hours? o_O
sometimes more :)
youre oversleeping, thats not good.
force yourself to stand up after 8 hours, you will feel the same if not better.
horosho moj hohljackij drug
you sleep too much
sometime i sleep 12 not that hard :O
sometime only 3-4, and few hours later i have to sleep again middle of the day ^^
I usually go to bed at 6 and wake up at 11 during the summer. When I have classes I go to bed at 2/3 and wake up at 6. Then I sleep for 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday to make up for it.
Haven't slept for a few days actually... It's tolerable if it happens on holidays, but totally fucks up the rhythm when on school / working
most of the times i go to bed around 09:00/12:00 and wake up around 18:00/20:00.
Atm still awake to get it back normal for AEF!
buh go to sleep around 03:00/04:00/05:00 changes, and pretty much wake up around 13:30/14:00 and every now and then 15:00 x)
now working 6 days 08:00 - 18:00 and after that sport so need good pattern..

i go to sleep around 22:30/23:00, wake up around 07:15/07:30
same here wake up @ 7:30 and come home @ 19:00

2days a week football pratice
3times swimming and bicylcling like every 3rd day

le fu @ working
have a job and you must keep up the rhythm
11pm - 7am for work
on the weekends I occasionally sleep in a bit later and go to bed like 12-1
sunday - thursday bed at about 4 wake about 12
friday and saturday all depends in what im doing.
im living like i go sleep 03:00 and wake up around 14:00 :/ gudlife
0.00 - 5.20
5:20 viel zu früh
had that same pattern for months. Now I have a new job which fucks with my pattern even more :D
different shift every week
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