Mulholland drive

What the fuck? While it was insanley interesting and amazing, the end was so confusing and wierd!!!!wtfff What the he'll!
And Naomi watts left me horny at 3 am
Why did you almost cry? What is sad about the end of that movie? It's shit.

edit: I'm not saying the end is shit. The end isn't bad. The film is shit.
Was an expresson to how wierd it was
haha :D +1
What was that face they kept showing? And what was the deal with that dream about the face and the restsurant, what was the point of that meeting where someone spits the coffee
what what what
Face had no meaning. No deal with the dream. No point of the meeting.

Stop looking for meaning where there is none. You did the same with LOST and drew the ridiculous conclusions that the writers probably laugh about.
Don't be an imbecile, just because you can't find the meaning doesn't mean it doesn't excists, Alltought I ts an option
You want to spend your life looking for meanings you percieve to exist? Fine by me, but don't go asking other people if you can't find them yourself ;)
Indont spend my life on that, I'm wondering and speculating after I watched the movie as it's a part of the experience the director wanted to deliver
tomorrow morning I won't give a shit and will probably look for something else to watch
David Lynch wrote a whole book about 10 TIPS how to get the meaning - he said there is definitely one but he just won't tell ;)
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