whats your...

... favorite ice/-cream?

mine is this one
image: 00103
and those
image: image

and ofc some image: 1202162048_really-hot-chick

have a nice day crossnerds
Dame Blanche!
geil! eis mit alc! wo gibts das?
Fachhandel o. Großhandel für Lebensmittel :)
the chick is too hot D: delete her before she makes the ice-cream melt!!
ye idd, but who is she ;D?
dunno :/

also ich mag mein eis am liebsten direkt von der eisdiele
und über joghurteis geht nix drüber :D

btw: kalo hat sich spontan dazu entschieden das nächste treffen in der schweiz steigen zu lassen. und es wird voraussichtlich wieder gezeltet ;D
die sind mir zu neutral! da fahr ich nich hin!
:o legst dich bei stock in kofferraum und machst rüber. np

kannst ja versuchen ein paar von den ricola lutschern zum marxismus zu bekehren
+ motherfucking 1
If you want to pay 13e/litre for ice cream, well, go ahead :S
well prices depends and it is totaly worth it if you can afford it. those sticks are 2-2,5€ and they are almost 400 mL or smth and the money goes to a good cause, so I make sure to get one atleast once a week.
I see - I once had bit of that "cupped ice cream" at my friend's place, and it was pretty good, but not worth the 6e they're per box here in Finland, or perhaps it was worth it but I don't have much money to spare so I can't buy that ;D
Usually I would agree but you can taste the difference between that super expensive ice cream and some random no name stuff.
there is a place in my city which sells tubs like that for £1, i dunno what that is in euros but its fucking cheap
That'd be about 2€, I imagine. Yet there's no way to get prices like that in Finland with the fag importing that stuff here being a greedy little dick.
same with UK, but there are random shops which do things for fucking cheap

mostly its ~£5, but the shop you get it for £1 in is a proper skankhole, and i know another which used to do coke for 10p a can, in which everything was like 3months out of date xD

very illegal, but everyone is happy :D
Haha I love kaktus!!! I can eat them all days!

image: Kaktus-40974-big
the left one from these
image: 19044
image: 453181_lody
chocolate from the place around the corner
image: kiwibecher
yes, even I eat fruit from time to time
i cant find a pic, cuz i dont remember the realname, but for me its called the "hitlerice" is has a big 88 on its packing!
This journal is stupid, here's some epilepsy for you.
image: 29awuwhimage: 29awuwhimage: 29awuwhimage: 29awuwh
at least its more colorful now
I'm not rly an icecream/popsicle fan.

But if I have to pick something:

- Ben & Jerry's (almost any combination of chocolate/cookies/nuts/caramel/...)
- Anything with nuts/caramel/chocolate
lol u just remind me of epic kaktus icecream, now i have no other choice than getting one.
damn u flr :P
white magnum
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