Worst crash ever?

Not sure how many of you have heard about it, the fatal crash of Pierre Levegh at Le
Mans race course in 1955.

A driving mistake between Levegh and another driver (Macklin) caused Levegh's car to fly into the stand killing 83 people, as seen below in this image taken just as the collision between Macklin and Levegh occurs, and also the video of the crash.

image: le-mans-1955

I watched a documentary on this yesterday and wondered if any of you guys had heard more about it or seen it at all. Pretty horrible rly :O

E: Actual section of the documentary explaining exactly what happened. -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D74A8JEC_rY&feature=related

Name some other crashes that you think are worse as well.

E2: Another horrible one was the one from Tom Pryce.. 2 marshals crossing the track to aid another driver. However, one that was carrying a fire extinguisher was not so lucky, Pryce crashed into the marshal at colossal speed killing them both instantly ( the fire extinguisher hit Pryce in the head.)

image: 1258849179670
Ye, I watched it too, was really bad, its crazy how they continued the race afterwards.
Yeah i couldn't believe that either, 83 people cut into pieces and 120 injured. That must be a sure fire reason to stop the race... Didn't it say something about carrying on so the ambulances could get in easier or...?
I dont remember them mentioning that, maybe that was the case though
I remember it saying about how they didn't want to end the race because the leaving of the 250,000 spectators would block the entrance for the ambulances etc.:P
I can barely see what happends lol
This one looks prety sweet too, no ppl died tho:

e: ur vid with commentary x)
rofl even the guy in burning car didnt die? thats a wonder ...
I put a new vid up so you can see it better, and check the edit at the bottom, explains what happens :)

And wow at your video, how did the guy in the red car survive with all those flames? :O

reminds me of this -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mz3ZzSXyWM terrible crash, its actually quite distressing to watch how the one driver is trying to push the flaming car over to save his friend all on his own and no one helps him :/
i cant believe to see that , he try all and the other ppl just stay around and doing nothing , also the other cars still driving ... i dont get this ..
Ow, thats sick..
Yep, it really is. Check E2 on the journal for another really bad one :/
got goosebumps cause of the vid. unbelievable!
I get goosebumps every time i watch it.
My fav.

Tho its not brutal or anything
holy shit :D
That would make a great .gif :D
kubca's crash was verrry massive

or gilles vilneueve
on 0:23 you can see when he flew out of car
I even remember this one, when i used to watch F1 was crazy yep

E: omg at second
the second one :OOO
One of the most sadly famous crash, Mercedes didn't participate in any race after that, until the 80's or 90's if I remember well :/

Not so impressive, but i love how the car flip so easily :P
Hahah, the wind just took it and it flew :D

Another horrible one was the one from Tom Pryce.. 2 marshals crossing the track to aid another driver. However, one that was carrying a fire extinguisher was not so lucky, Pryce crashed into the marshal at colossal speed killing them both instantly ( the fire extinguisher hit Pryce in the head.)

image: 1258849179670
Ouch :x
Never cross the track !
Indeed :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS5jneOrZdk look at how the driver keeps turning back in shock when he's seen what happened.
I would have puke on my helmet :P
Same happened during DTM race ;) -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ofpb8U6W7ik
Ouch although i think a rabbit is of less significance compared to a human :D

Same kinda idea here also but with a deer -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGJ0fJN10YY This never fails to amuse me, the more i watch the more i laugh at how high it goes :DD ( And how it doesnt even come down :DDDDDDD?? )
Ye remember, those proto are damn fast, I guess the deer ended somewhere on the moon.
I can make a car disappear too -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KdUwDN2H5A
hahaha :DD
then when they came back to racing they hired some airplane engineers to do the body work :P

+1 for the take off :)
-1 for the landing :(

Funny side effect of drafting...
Mark webber really loves to fly :D
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBO1mX8sKYk (same driver as in your video)
a plane crash
a train crash
a balloon crash
Gimme a balloon crash then, that seems pretty funny.
the one where senna died obviously
Senna was a fucking legend, was probably his ruthless and fearless driving style that killed him :(
you watched top gear too
it wasn't so spectacular crash, senna had a bad luck, tire which after blow flew up hit him in head, thats why he died...
no shit sherlock
i watched a one hour program on discovery which was explaining why he died. He would stay alive if this tire do not hit him...
i dont care how the crash was, its asking for the worst, and sennas was a loss for racing
:O So much fire... you couldn't even see that entire stand because of the smoke :O
Yeah i agree and already posted about the Roger Williamson one, so horrible to watch that one.
that guy who tried to rescue him was awarded with like 10 medals as far as I remember
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mz3ZzSXyWM at the start it says he was awarded the George medal for his bravery.. I feel so fucking sorry for that guy, i can't even comprehend what he must of been feeling as he walked away from that car :(
there were even photos of williamson's dead body which was still in the car, but I don't want to search for them again :(
image: roger-williamson-crash-tragedy-dutch-gp-73-f1

I think this is one of the most horrible, i imagine this is what David Purley saw in combination with hearing Roger screaming out for help, and from this you can see why Purley would be so distressed...
that must be so horrible not being able to help, maybe he was even screaming for a little while.. poor Purley ..
I cant remember where I read that (wikipedia probably) but Purley told that Williamson was shouting "For God's sake, David, help me to get out of here!' or smth like this
at roger's movie shame on this marshalls, they steel and just looked how David tried to rescue Roger...
W sumie nie obwiniam az tak obslugi. Wyobraz sobie jak goraco bylo w otoczeniu bolidu i jak sie nagrzal sam bolid. Bez gasnic, czy czegos niewiele mogliby zrobic. Purley mial kask, rekawice i uniform, ktory mimo wszystko troche ochranial przed cieplem
No nie wiem, na ich miejscu napewno nie stalbym w miejscu i nie patrzylbym sie jak roger sie pali pod bolidem...
Nigdy nie bylem w takiej sytuacji i wole nie byc, wiec nie wiem co ja bym zrobil na ich miejscu :P Warunki jednak byly okropne, uczucie przy dotknieciu bolidu bylo pewnie podobne jak dotkniecie rozgrzanego zelazka jesli nie gorsze. Cialo instynktownie by reagowalo na taka temperature
No, ale nawet nie wzieli gasnicy tylko on musial sam gasic... Jeden mogl wziac jedna gasnice, drugi leciec po druga... cokolwiek :P
w poblizu byla tylko jedna chyba, niestety. Ekipa gasnicza dotarla dopiero po paru minutach :(
the one where princess di died :'(
cause i am austrian i have to add this one :(... (url) [[url]www.youtube.com][/url]
final destination 4 olol
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