Bodybuilding for pros ! #4

Since my previous package is almost gone, I need to buy a new one

image: dsc00042ai

some info :

- "matrix" bars only as "Meal Replacement"
- "Size On" is some new shit ( u drink it while work out)
- adawolfa site it's just a joke to make ur life more happy :}}

image: arnold-schwarzenegger-and-sylvester-stallone22

EDIT: if u dont have atleast "some" knowledge about bb, shut the fuck up. Money = Growing up faster.
WTF trow it away
look at me all natural

you dont need it its junk!!!!!!!
my life is more happy
mama kupuje?
Oh jesus nerd... get a decent whey protein, a decent 85 protein.. A multimineral and multivitamin and your set.. don't buy all this shit, fucking noob...

Decent proteins have enough glutamin and bcaa's...

No wonder you have fatmuscle, yu prolly even think eating as much as you can before you go to bed will make you big and strong.. noob......
You gonna DIE!
lol @ all those people thinking this will help MUCH.. bodybuilding is about discipline and training much with rhythm as in good food and good sleep.. easy money for all those guys who sell the stuff, much retards who believe everything whats being said by those companies :D
Indeed, actually all the stuff isn't even healthy..
"all the stuff isn't even healthy"

And you don't even know what whey is...
I know what whey is, I just don't see how it's related to the shit pills he's using.
Most of the stuff you see there is whey protein.
ik hoef u gemoei feitelijk nie, ik zeg u da die shit nie vandoen is.
grote muil klein pietje
nee gij zijt gwn een bemoeialleke.
obviously you know what you're talking about :)
rofl retard, train hard go pro, dont put that shit in ur body
laat ook nog is iets van hem horen :x
You ain't a pro.
That simply must do the trick.
I love them who rage at those journals and starts to explain and show they think they know something :O
tbh such stuff isnt worth if you arent a bb pro.
ok you need somem extra protein after workout and some good nutrition BUT not all of this stuff.
well, you're both 18, so how long have you been training? it's important to adjust one's eating habits to get results faster - but this stuff is just plain shit, especially because it doesn't really matter anyway during the first years anyway.
Relax, I'm against it, but the level of knoledge people show on here is redicolous, especially a few clowns here
bodybuilding for retards*

sorry mate you got the title wrong.
from: poland
Buy some more pills you be bigger than jesus
new alexl
Ile kaski na ten cyklik wyjebales? I na poprzedni?

No i jak tam stoisz z wymiarami?

Ja na wrzesniowy cykl zamierzam kupic

Scorcha + BCAA z Activlaba x2

Malo kasy, ale jakos to bedzie ;)
na to co widzisz 750 zl, poprzedni 550
wymiary slabo, z lapy zeszlo z 2 cm czyli jest gdzies 43.
ogolnie robie rzezbe przez cale wakacje wiec moge troszke zmalec :D
A diete trzymasz?
ta, na masie nie trzymalem i sie zalalem :/ dlatego nie popelnie juz tego bledu
A ty teraz na redukcji chyba byles nie? Z tego co czytam z poprzednich journali wazyles 100 i 85 chciales, dobiles do celu i w ile?
nadal jestem (juz od miesiaca) , teraz 88 kg ale nawet chcce zejsc do 82 zeby calkowicie sie fatu pozbyc. jak juz to zrobie to doloze czystej masy :D
w miesiac 12kg zgubiles? :D Nie za duzo?
tak naprawde jak zaczynalem redukcje to bylo 96/97 + ja na nogach mialem duzo fatu i stamtad wiekszosc zeszlo
Ja w 9 miechow zgubilem 15kg, z 100 do 85 obecnie moze mniej, nie wazylem sie od konca maja jakos. Jakbym zszedl do 77-80kg to mysle ze w miare estetycznie by bylo.

Tyle ze bez zadnej LOW CARB diety czy spalacza, chociaz przez caly maj L-karnityne stosowalem, to 4kg poszlo :P
no dieta niestety jest wazna :/
Ni chuja kasy na to nie mam ;D
To w miecha zrzuciles 8/9 kilo. Nie jest tak, ze jak spalasz za szybko, to leci tez miecho? Szacun za to, ze bedziesz sie trzymal diety - tez bym dal rade, tyle, ze z mojej strony kasy na cos takiego nie mam. Poza tym musze dokupic obciazenie (cwicze w domu), bo juz od jakiegos czasu biore max.
Jak Twoje wyniki silowe? Jak wymiary terazi i wymiary na masie? Pochwal sie jakimis fotami z redukcji!

A, najwazniejsze nie jestes pro :)
tak jak mowielm w lapie gdzies 43, maksa na klate dawno nie robilem bo jestem w chuj slaby na niej ale gdzies 120 napewno. martwy czy przysiad tez nie robilem bo mi w ogole na osiagach nie zalezy. ale slaby nie jestem : D. fote masz jedna w "my transformation" dzurnal. a jak na ludzi z cfa to jestem bardzo pro :D dlatego taki topic :o
Actually i dont need that shit.
show pic off yourself
check the "my transformation" journal :o
Nice adawolfa @ browser
image: 61973656
got big penis dont need to work out
I had same net site open :o
- "matrix" bars only as "Meal Replacement"

I bought them for fun, i never had that much money to waste :(
your penis will get smaller
take more pills : ) one retard less : )
Na odzywkach duzo nie osiagniesz. Niestety
Osiagnie, osiagnie. Jak ma diete i sie jej trzyma, to pojdzie wszystko ladnie, tak jak bedzie chcial.

E: dzieki kreatynie, nawet jak nie bedzie trzymal sie diety, to sila mu pojdzie do przodu, a to tez sie liczy!:)
do you need all that to get muscles?
It's more like it gives faith.
Do you need football shoes to play football ? No, but easier, right?
I understand, I am trying to grow some muscles lol, but im afraid to take all that crap I just dont want to waste my time if its not going to work without taking some medicine
:D You know nothing about this then. It's just pure nutrion nothing chemical that you would thing. Everything that you see on that table you can buy in the shop. Protein, sugar, vitamins etc.. dont afraid ^^
I get it now, I just couldnt read what was all the stuff in the table, still Im afraid when i had to take vitamins in the past i always end up gaining weight but I guess thats understandable since I was just pretty much into school and gaming, and not much working out at all
if you can eat a lot then you dont really need much 'help'. You will grow fast anyway. (hehe just logged in, thats why fast reply)
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