Thx to frEeze

cause of this journal (url) [[url]] [/url] i yesterday watched "paranormal activities".

it didn't scare me at all tbh but now i am in need of some more horror movies.
There already were some suggestions in the previous journal but i want more.

So plz give some advices. Thx in advance!
harry potter
made me smile :D
did u liked the movie ?

I heard it was quite shit
not at all. like some of the others already mentioned, it was predictable. you knew that in every night scene there will something happen. the last 10 mins were ok even though the last scene was shit cause u knew something big is going to happen.
the whole movie was shit tbh
hills have eyes
already seen :(. but it was quite good
friday the 13th

this could help aswell
rec 2

and ofc the ooooooookd halloween
Justin Bieber
House of Hax.
Lady Gaga before she got into the music business.
Pirahna 3D
Not horror movie but so fucking hilarious
/exec pollo
the crazies?
looks kinda good
its not too bad actually. but if im honest, i havnt seen a good horror film in AGES, they just dont seem to make them anymore. i mean saw was more shock than horror, and only the first one was decent. the remake of dawn of the dead was good,i liked the descent, but overall, they just seem to have ran out of good horror material these days :(
the descent !
Shortje replied to your comment Crossfire 27 Jul 10, 18:06
Shortje replied to your comment Crossfire 27 Jul 10, 17:59
Shortje replied to your comment Crossfire 27 Jul 10, 17:58

the messenger ?
28 days later

El orfanato (The orphanage)

Anything spanish rly, they make sik horror movies!
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