Upgrade or start again?


Been refreshing a few things on my pc and wondering whether I can upgrade my system a little a couple of years after putting it together.

Currently have a Core 2 E6600 with a couple of meg of ram.

Any ideas for upgrading cheaply - i.e. replacing the cpu or shall I just give in and buy a new system?

New boxes are cheap to buy these days, if you wanted to save the extra bit of cash then buy separately and build it together.
upgrade then start again
need more info, mobo etc.

I had to buy a new mobo, since my old one didn't support quadcore etc
Found these in my inbox from back in 2007 - didn't realise it was that long ago!

2GB (2x1GB) CorsairTwinX XMS2
768Mb Asus 8800GTX V2 PCI-E (x16)
Asus STRIKER STD NV680 SLi, S 775

Was a pretty rapid pc at the time
overclock your proc and wait 1 or 2 years until buying a whole new system.

Your gfx card is still decent, and i don't see the point on buying better cpu on that socket, the gain compared to your older proc overclocked wouldn't justify the price.
Any ideas on how high I can overclock without going silly?
OC potential should be at least 3 ghz, probably a bit more. As it's the older (65 nm) version, i can't really tell.
Newer ones (45 nm) hit the 4 ghz fairly easily.
Why do you need to upgrade it? It's a pretty decent machine still.
doing some programming and stuff so tend to have a lot things open and it just feels a bit sluggish when compiling or opening

and of course after 3 years I'm just feeling the need for a change ;)
I have a core2duo 6850 with an 8800gtx and 2gigs of ram as well and developing on this machine works like a charm. (Eclipse, java and flex development, so also compiling etc.)

Perhaps a reinstall of your OS or a faster harddrive does more wonders than upgrading your system.
Well the list of programs is pretty similar but I get some times when launching debug's of flex/air apps takes a little more time than my attention span allows

I probably do need a clean install with all the rubbish I've added/deleted over the years

May try the Win7 for a completely new start
A solid state drive to put your OS and eclipse (and output folders of your projects) on and a clean install of your OS will do wonders for you.

Just out of curiosity, how long is the wait to launch your apps?
Depends on the size of the app and the libraries in it. Generally only 10-15 secs but some times it can take minutes.

But it's also opening classes and projects as well than can seem slow. I'm probably being picky but it would be nice when testing to tweak and load a bit quicker.

I had looked at ssd before and may pick one up now they aren't that pricy
somewhere between 5 to 10 seconds is quite normal.. anything above either requires;

1. Restructuring of your projects
2. Reinstall of your OS
3. A solid state drive, preferably in combo with reinstalling OS.
I'm pretty happy with the projects as I'm trying to be a good boy and am using the mate framewowrk which is pretty lightweight for mvc.

Having read some reviews and comments about early ssd's I think I'm going to go for this one:

Intel X25-M

And upgrade to Win7 at the same time.

Bit of a pain to re-install but I haven't done it for a while so about time really.
Perhaps take your old drive out of your system and reinstall on the SSD first to see if you get a performance gain before killing of your old drive.

Also look into the Swiz framework (that's what I use mostly)
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