YCN Server problems?

Well, i need to ask the flaming crossfire comm to help me, because i want to play at my server , and the admins of ycn are to slow with helping me ( no bad word about ur guy's!:)

My server is Not ended! i'm sure of that!

when you connect it still gets awaiting connection 1,2,3,4, 190921...

what to do? nothing is changed on server settings at control panel.

help me out thanks!

edit: repost of an admin: Seems to be something with ISP related, since I am able to connect to the server.
Evgeny asked you to ping the IP of the server if you get any answer to that (can be done in command promt: start > run > cmd).

so wtf i need to do :(
same thing with other YCN servers
When did you last connect successfully?
mh, maybe because they changed to a different ettv version?! :-/
what is the link between my server en ettv ?

sorry but i'm a greenboy at servers :D
wait you're telling me YCN servers dont work or crash? >:O
same thing but i dunno if they were only YCN servers. Never had this problem before, it started yesterday with only 1 server and today it did the same thing with atleast 4 servers.

Might have something to do with nl host servers.
thats maybe true, it's hosted at nl...
just reboot, maybe it's something with the new files
Nothing wrong with YCN, just the NL host is doing some tricks again...
i hate nl! viva spain
Evgeny asked you to ping the IP of the server if you get any answer to that (can be done in command promt: start > run > cmd).

what does that mean?, where can i do it? ...
Their NL host sucks balls, I once ordered a 10 slot gaming server and they gave me 7 slots ?!
Haha. Impossible, since 10 is minimum. : )

Tho, yes, the NL host is really bad.
Just replying to you because you work with YCN:
it's ISP related, in Finland people using Sonera (an ISP) could not connect to the NL servers yesterday yet people using Elisa (another ISP) could connect there at the same time. I dropped the ISP a call, figuring it was their fault - seems like it wasn't (entirely) their fault.

It's been fixed now, though.
Read my 1st post in this journal. I know about this, tho YCN really can't do anything about this.
Move to a new datacenter :D!
As far as I know YCN's NL host was moved to a different host already, seems like this one is even worse.
For curiosity: when did this happen? I mean, I had the exact same problem as described in this journal in spring.
Seems like the DNS is not working properly or something like that. Remember the instability with Leaseweb, which was told to be the best host in NL. I am sure you can ask more about NL stuff from Evgeny (EYJohn).
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