Chronos lol

Is so fucking disgusting and overpowered. Retarded hero needs to be nerfed.

what do you think, fellow hon players?
Fed chronos is overpowered, like every other hero..
not fed, he can even pretty much dominate in early game with boots only.
in one game i played gauntlet and this bitch rewinded my ulti 3 times in a row ...
once he rewinded all 3 nukes one after another, so instead of raping him i died cause he still had full hp ...
Today, i rewinded Pyros ulti and then deadwoods.... i /facepalmed at the retardness of this ability.

Those guys must've cried inside..
Chronos was and always will be the best character !!!
Chipper for most OP hero.
Chipper's attack speed/animation got nerfed, isnt rly banworthy anymore and barely gets played anymore.
He's not really that overpowered. Like perforator said there are more OP heroes like Chipper who just can't be beat early game.
thats why you shoud play dota and not hon ... hearing chipper (clockwork) being OP is funny :D
Yeah, except Chipper wasn't in DotA.
its pretty much like clockwerk goblin but with 1 different ability (that toss thing)
You obviously don't know anything about hon. Clockwerk was ported as Pharaoh. Chipper is a completely different (and original) hero.
i red the spell ability and i saw he had magical barrier, mini stun and his ultimate looked the same.
i heard faceless void just as horrible in there.
as horrible as what
faceless void ?! chronos "port"? never played dota myself, but heard from my friends.
i know faceless void is chronos but what do u mean by horrible?? OP, shit??
hes not that OP, just dont give him free farm / kills, but hes not picked a lot in pros game, hes items dependent
He's might be slightly OP in pubs where teams can't coordinate ganks to stop his farming, but in a competitive match there are better carries than chronos/faceless
Chronos can get countered so easy with stuns or disables.
I almost only see him competative when he's in a trilane.
Only OP hero atm is Fayde.

e: Whats ur honname / psr n shizzl
+1, but they rarely pick him tbh
the ulti isnt so annoying as the freeze thing some people get so lucky and u cant move for 10 secs :S
need HoN n3rds filter... or at least go and play some decent game :X
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