Console: Xbox 360 (Slim 250gb) or PS3 (120gb)

Which one do you prefer? I've still got the Ps2 here, can I use those controllers on PS3?
I've read that you gotta pay to play online on the xbox360, still true on the newest version?
PS3 -> better games -> better graphics -> free online = win
Actually the graphics aren't really better (actually both console's graphics look quite horrible compared to the same game on a computer with full settings), but a wise consumer buys PS3 because it simply won't run out of computing power as soon as the Xbox.

Also it has free online playing.
it's hard to code for ps3, especially shaders are a problem. the ps3 usually scales games down to 720p (even if they run on 1080p on xbox360), and it tends to have some tearing problems with multiplatform games. no doubt, the more recently released exclusives look great - but claiming that it is the reasonable choice if you want good gfx is just wrong.

free online mp is great ofc. i do like the controllers more aswell but they are more expensive. and well, there's also the BR-player-functionality.

just go for the console with the exclusives that attract you most.

edit: just forgot to mention: the ps3 slim gets fuckin hot! you have to take breaks in order not to kill it :D
ps3 use blue ray this is a big advantage imo
Yes, that, too. I have an Xbox 360 (never play on it though, my brother uses it more) and I regret not getting a PS3 when I bought a console.
You are so clueless.
x360 because of the controller, it is really ergonomic
+ you can play warez games too (not yet on the slim, but i bet, soon)
PS3 -> freeonline = win

XBOX360 -> Better games
Uhm no, Xbox does not have better games and most of the games come out on both.
You can compare the game play on both, single player, you'll more enjoy on XBOX360, well, this is my opinion of course, some will more enjoy on PS3 :)
both -> you don't become a fanboy for either because in the end they're both shit
pc > all
xbox > ps3
360 Has the better titles
PS3 Is looking
you can't use your old ps2 controllers on the ps3.

ps3 has bluetooth controllers to be charged with a usb cable.

image: 2008_08_12_13-07-35-GAMPS3-CA01
image: dreamstime_12782411 = xbox360

image: blu-ray-logo-400 = ps3
Xbox 360 Slim! :D
ps3 > xbox360 that's all
xbox360 cuz of pirated gamez + better online server 8)))))))
Xbox 360 ftw.
Maybe to play online you have to pay but the all the online features are better on the xbox 360.
Ive had the ps3 and the xbox360 and i can tell you that the xbox 360 is better.
Ps3 costs more money , games aswell, and overheats way to much.
xbox 360 cheaper, games too, better online (but have to pay).
People say the graphics are better on ps3 well to be honest the difference is marginal and goes both ways.
image: speed_comparison
image: a_med_res7.jpg
So from my point of view (having had both consoles) take the xbox 360

PS: Xbox controllers are the best :)
the d-pad is awful but what you gonna do
Xbox360 is better than PS3 by far.
ps3 all the way

if you want to use ps2 pad you'll need adapter, sth like this: (url)
ps3 for gran turismo
ps3 because playstation home rocks! Well until you get banned for Hitler saluts!
you can play pirated games on xbox,

now stfu@all
if you crack you xbox to be able to play pirated games youre xbox will be banned off xbox live :)
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