Paranormal Activity #1231241

followed your journals from yesterday and i just started watching this movie and its already so fucking scary to me! FUCK U!
good horror is scary
watch it at night, pussy!
in Poland, it is always night
its barely any scary...but very entertaining movie to watch
it's so shit.
so i herd u r scared of voices
lol... so what finally HAPPEN in this film.. dont understand the ending
just watched it lul
Djeez, are recent generations all pussies or what? it's a fucking movie.
Wtf, I know plenty of people who can't watch a horror movie that are the same age or older than you.
Sure and they are unrealistic pussies as well. It's a movie, how can a movie scare you? Sure a moment in a movie that makes you jump of your seat can scare you at that moment itself, but I meant being scared AFTER the movie. It so doesn't make any sense. I will never get why some people have that.
I get stressed and annoyed when I watch the average horror movie. Somehow they always do the one thing they aren't supposed to do. Never figured out why, but it totally annoys me.
oh you mean shit like making the bad guy known to your presense by saying shit such as "hello? Is anybody there?"
buahaha sorry fearless hero
it was the shitiest movie ever lol :DdDdDdD it didn't scare me at all
it was pretty good movie but it wasnt so scary :/
I can't even believe we're talking about the same movie. How can you be afraid, nothing happens !
The characters spend their time shouting at each other *yawn*, the shaky cam makes me nauseated, and you never know what really happened. Just like The Blair Witch Project = boring.
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