new game.?
28 Jul 2010, 11:56
hello CrossFire,
Yesterday i won alot of money in an casino, so now ive got some money to spend on anything..
and i just want to kill the boring time when im at home, and since im nog playing ET anymore, im looking for an awesome NEW game.
I prefer shooters/strategy/race
Yesterday i won alot of money in an casino, so now ive got some money to spend on anything..
and i just want to kill the boring time when im at home, and since im nog playing ET anymore, im looking for an awesome NEW game.
I prefer shooters/strategy/race
best game ever!
edit: and everything else :s
I'm pro.
volleys: let em bounce on the ground once and hit them directly after, try to position the ball in "the middle" of your players foot
Just lost like 60 respect with my trainer because I missed 10headers in one game :D
if i could only fraps this shit and upload it to jewtube
hold the mousebutton for like one second
will be a 95% goal
How are you anyway Tom ma buddy? :)
At least ur pc doesnt die on you :( I had finished up to 7 mins of B&W :||||||||||
implux wont make my movie, so im sad tho :< cba to make it myself, way to hard to start from scratch
he says it every week -,- Another unmotivated moviemaker
A week ago right, on xfire.. i hadnt spoke to him all day and he suddenly types 'brb 45 minutes'.. I'm like, 'Ermmm ok?' And hes like yeah im about to pracc vs rockIT now.
I lold so hard that he said brb just to start a conversation with me to say he was praccing vs rockit :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
But its impossible for me to find someone else to do it, who wants to make a movie for a noname lowbie like me :p
(i think im seeing what ur doing :p)
But take my word for it, someone will come along :))))))
and save your money for the next visit in the casino u will need it there !!!
the saboteur
operation flashpoint and arma series
sniper ghost warrior
Fallout 3
assasins creed 2