quake god mAx

well today he said to me "cpma".. i was like "time to get raped" but our god isnt god anymore :o

then i tried to have a little interview but he was like crying all the time

Anonymous Loekino:
Whats your excuse?
of course i had to wait for a few mins because he was crying

Anonymous mAx
I just wanted to know what it's like

well that is a very bad excuse....
ofc he left irc and his computer after this
[7:01pm] (?) ^mAx ([email protected]) Quit

image: aiohggkuj91gs3gt0
[flag=0] test
omg max sux
ugliest flag I've ever seen
omg loekino noob
kmz, obviously.
kmz is quake god. oh and btw. n30 wants to have my babies.
lowskiller ;(
and if he didnt play for a long time its unstandable that he's not playing at his best skills!
i think this game looks like lego land 2!
I raped you atleast twice before that time ;) Btw I said: ''I never play q3 anyway''
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