Geek porn
28 Jul 2010, 17:58
Time for some hardware.
I'm thinking about purchasing a new system to play some games once in a while.
Should be nothing too fancy but still run most games (especially ET) pretty smooth so me (and zenix) put together the following specs (click to enlarge).
Any second opinions?
I'm thinking about purchasing a new system to play some games once in a while.
Should be nothing too fancy but still run most games (especially ET) pretty smooth so me (and zenix) put together the following specs (click to enlarge).
Any second opinions?
The CPU is more than enough powerful to run ET @125 @ every map (except shittily optimized ones like sw_goldrush_te)
gtfo with your trolling
I doubt it will have any problems, and especially on higher resolution 1920x108 of 192x1200. You know on higher resoluitons ( higher than 1280x1024 ) your cpu has not much effect on your FPS.
I wonder why you had any problems getting 125fps with that CPU.
I allready had 125FPS with my AMD Athlon XP 2200+ in 2004.
Most of the problems are between the desk and the chair.
I just think you are talking shit. Because you dont base anything on facts. Unlike me.
And the setup you gave to jetro is far from his pricerange. If he wanted to have something for 430 euro. I would have chosen something else.
Also really nice advice on power supply B brand is the best choice if you want too see your PSU blowing up and taking some parts. I have seen that enough.
e: just let you know CPU throttling aka Dynamic frequency scaling has nothing to do with these things :D
Mr overkill.
e: and if i put asus model and there is cheaper club3d model, ofc u can use that other. just suggestions.
And i3 is not below 100 euro, sadly.
- ET
- Quake Live
- COD4
That should do it.
And why not ddr 3 that's giving more power to your am3.
Because ET doesnt run on graphics but on 1 core and ram.
So its better to get nice high clock and good ram for best fps.
am3 works on am2+
am2+ works on am2
am3 doesnt work on am2
Also i told jetro ddr3 is an option.
But its a little bit more, and the difference between ddr2 and ddr3 are not much in that pricerange.