Bah (tala why must the title be 5 charectors long :s)

So my hard drive is completly fooked makes terrible noises when its accessed and any operating system fails to install on it. So until I get a new computer/hard drive no xfire(programme)/et/gaming for me :( Need to blame someone for this and unfortuntly them dirty Poland are the ones to blame!

Currently using ubuntu live cd after piching a flatmates laptop and burning the iso i downloaded yesterday from my zen micro.

If i go the new pc way then i will need a moniter, i have the mindset that anything by Sony owns tbh but really crt still > tft or ? need a article by overdrive or mztik tbh to help me :D so any suggestions on what you have/i should get then thats cool!
sony fanboys should die
Well i went to a guy next door who wanted xp professional put on his mac mini, good fucking game the little piece of crap couldnt even recognise a creative zen micro connecting by usb (if your a apple fanboy or own a apple ipod pls die)

if your a fan of anything else then die sony > * end of story!
hahaha, I despise apple zealots, just the same for sony zealots
:D as long as your not a apple zealot then im fine
did you not get the reference my profile image is making? ;x
I didnt click your profile although it is relevelant :)

btw. thzi juonarl scuks
your name fucks up the layout. wp

I visited crossfire just to take a look what is going on the scene and I'm really disappointed. How dare you to put the holy insane awesome great pr0 leet 1337 666 uber teh liek roxor polish flag there? Blame the welsh, god dammit.
if you wanne be pr0 use a CRT

Quotei play ET, and after a long period if playing (3hrs+) my monitor (samsung 931bf 19" 2ms lcd) strains my eyes

as also mentioned, you basically can't play anything outside of the native resolution (1280x1024 for me), which sucks fps wise in newer games.

also must use vsync to reduce tearing in the games i play, which means 75fps cap, and also means laggy mouse.

i know i won't be purchasing another lcd any time soon, at least for gaming. general web browsing is also a strain on the eyes, i haven't found a decent balance between contrast and brightness because different colors show up differently on an lcd, i can't really explain it.

so yeah.. find a decent crt and stick with it.
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