punkbuster...! [ENG/GER]


get always kicked because of: heartbeats stopped

could someone help?

thx in advance!
PB sucks.
u are dead
you vid_restart twice. its a common prob...check ur cfg for 2x vid restart AND load your cfg before you connect on a serv and vid restart BEFORE u connect

prob fixed
hmm er macht immer 2 x vid_restart.. aber in der cfg finde ich den befehl vid_restart nicht mal ein mal...
mach einfach bevor du aufn server connectest vid_restart...dann brauchste die cfg später net nochmal zu laden und er macht auch nicht 2 x vid restart

ka.k.was du noch machen önntest. ..
do b_backupcvars 1, connect to a server, then close the game, go to ure etpro folder and there u'll find documents with cvars. those are cvars wich have the wrong value in ure cfg and thats why it vid_restarts twice, so it can change those values, just change them urself in ure cfg thenm and u shud be done
delete everything in et/etpro/profiles & et/etmain/profiles and exec your config again
pb had a cardiac attack
TuneUp Utilities 2010 caused that for me.
Wie wärs wenn du mal aufhören würdest zu spielen du hurensohn.
Use slac, go pro.
PunkBuster just owned you.
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