SLAC banlist revealed? . not really nAbz

Okay sorry, i just wanted some attention.
I have nothing much to say but i will do it anyway.
Im kinda happy because i have to work only 7 hours today, then i will probably buy cheap beer ( aaalooot) and go to my hometown to get wasted again this weekend, harhar like dejavu, but this is my life, work work, partyhard, work work.
Its strange that i havent eaten anything, woke up at 7 and im still not hungry, only drank one red bull :D strange huh?

Anyway i know you (nerds) gonna want something to click on and get yourself a morning boner so i will find some random pic and music.

So what you doing, today,tonight,tomorrow,dayaftertomorrow etc? Maybe i will even read your comments :P


the fuck is this shit
your journal title isnt related to the content in any way
he is retarded, that's the reason
angelDustman is it you?
Epic new profile pic :P
Quotewoke up at 7 and im still not hungry, only drank one red bull :D strange huh?

>drank one red bull
No, not strange at all.
troll or serious? :)
Serious - energy drinks contain so much shit (carbon hydrates and vitamines and whatever) that they make you feel full although you would in reality be hungry as hell.
I have the same feeling with coffee sometimes, but i can't drink it on summer, sooo hot
I'm going to drink some beer too coz theres a huge festival in my hometown starting today! :)
you the boi who makes these stupid journals all the time :P
ur chick did not give me a boner : journal denied
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