OMG! My first...


So, today i bought my first game. Operation Flashpoint GOTY for 6€. I expected the original GOTY case, with all the manuals and stuff. This is when the OMG starts....
instead of the box, i only got some SoldOut version...... and i said, OK, maybe the CD's are atleast normal.... but they are blue.... so instead of the GOTY boxed game i got some fake shiat, but hey, atleast i got an original cd-key.

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what do you expect for 6€...
original box from 2001
Thats what you get when you buy from russians.
why buy when u can steal?
oh, this game blows \o/ except tank parts with lt. Hammer..
For a second I thought u were talking about dragon rise... Damn that was a shit game
ye, that is fail rising!
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