Xfire2 colours for Xfire3


I am working on a script for the Firefox plugin "Stylish" to make Xfire3 look like Xfire2. Actually I suck at anything regarding CSS or HTML, so thats how far I am:


As you can see theres still some work to do but I hope I can finish it tomorrow. I don't think I can fix the colours for the poll as they're not in the CSS stylesheet (or I am blind <- very likely).

looks neat, GL finishing it i will use it for sure :D
mmm, brownishgreen
i rather like the white
drago you still need to vote man omgosh.

and new > old

just some things that were adjusted is suckage. profile is the biggest fuck up if u ask me.
looks güd
ugly imo! :-)
well, u did a great job in there, or at least it seems so, but i never liked that color, it looks like poop!
Extend the stylesheet, then: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/selector.html#q1

Good luck.
looks cool
i want that, this white(not white) gayness is killing me :[
I too am a fan of the old color scheme.

Me like.

HellGoat approves.
agree, would love the old colours back :)
plz finish it, i need it this xf3 sucks donkeyballs tbh
looks better ;)
the good old times :)
not bad, respect!
Tthe old design was good too, but:

This black&white is more businesslike, and that's what ET need now, after the first steps...
and ET needs 5on5!!!

don't think that a black/white design instead of the old scheme will have big influence on the development of ET.

i like both color schemes though.
This sheme is fresher
try SexyWhiteBG for poll bg colour

ignore that, you're right, it's hardcoded hex colours.

maybe you could kindly ask tala to change it ;)
Whilst I dont prefer it, I do think its nice. So when you're done let me know and I'll help you pimp it.
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