karsiah_te something

I see a huge problem in this, it just seems too easy to defend at the flag and at the 1st obj. Don't know about the 2nd one, because we never got so far and neither did our opponents. It was either a fullhold at flag or at the 1st obj.

What do you think guys, should the map be modified somehow, do you think it's too hard to attack?

Speak now! (not that i can do anything about it tho ;<)
harder to defend than caenshit
Caen seems pretty easy to attack from what i've seen lol (1 war)!
too easy for a double fullhold if clans are at least bit prepared
same shit with Karsiah imho really.
map looks cool

never played it in a war tho
shit map is shit
same for us!
Go fuck yourself nazi mongol. Don't need your ugly face in this journal faggot.
Great map, one of my personal favourites.
never understood the hate for that map, I think is great.
it was hard to set a time before, then they made it harder
fullhold at flag on karsiah is just \o/
Fullhold at flag? lul, skillfake
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