How to install ET to Ubuntu?

thx was having hard time with it, never done linux before
libgtk1.2 isn't needed in most cases
i even made a tutorial for that some years ago, it should be still in the tutorial section
SLAC dont support ubuntu :D i think and thats shows u are hacker :D
As soon as final release of SLAC is out, there'll be a linux version &_&
If someone uses Ubuntu does it mean that he is a hacker? :D Retard...
its basecly linux and it wount dedicate anything

like it was with PB all who used linux played with nexus and they didnt get kicked
So? They are developing SLAC version to linux. Is it illegal to advice people to install ubuntu? And PB is dead so forget it. Do you think that every linux user is a cheater? ":D"
Is there any way that you can play ET from say a USB stick in Ubuntu? I guess it should be ok just might be slow loading times....
cheater gettin rolled
Stupid community is stupid sorry :E
How to install eth on Ubuntu??
erm, tutorial? :-/
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