Anal @ AEF

Arrived here at 14:30. and i directly noticed that there is not that much work needed to be done.

It seems a lot better organised than a CC LAN if i might be honest.

We just need to get games going and collecting scores.

There have been no big PC issues yet so far ( as i have heard from colleague admins Evgeny & Marcus --> Both are YCN / Network Crew )

I'd say this is worth a thumbs up for the AEF organising crew and we should try to work in the same way in future CF Lans.

If you are seeing me at AEF, dont be afraid to say hi ! :)

cu there
problem is gtv sir! no lineups - shit gtv is shit!
didnt see you yet, you lilliputter
If I would be there and if I would saw you... I would hug you
be afraid, very afraid !
GTFO, it took me 4 hours to add 60 games...

I didnt know the lineups, nor would i ever add every single lineup to every single game.

bad gtv admin is bad
u mad???
lineup is here

where is problem officer?? u can add lineup and then use BUTTOM AUTOFILL so pls dont troll about 60matches - its about 24 teams and some team got stable lineup so U MAD:-P
enjoy holiday:-D
relax, its a job that takes time, first u need to settle in ( which i did )

now i got time to add lineups, and i am adding them.

Stop whining about no lineups at GTV. as you said it yourself, you can perfectly see team lineups at crossfire ...

dude i dont whine - only u posted your statment and i only answer:-D
btw i SAID - enjoy holiday its summer:-P
The line-ups in that forumpost are outdated in some cases.
if you dont have anzthing to do how about you enter lineups into the gamestv games?
:> have fun there
Will there be a stream?? At work and no ET :/
I just arrived, and updating the team's LineUps right now :)
Weet jij waar aestas is? ;(
die komen niet meer vrees ik :)
Heb het net gehoord van Alvo, geen zin.. =o
It's not that surprising that there are almost no problems with the PCs. They are pretty much brand new and just set up for this tournament. Most CC PCs on the other hand are full of random stuff, the harddrive is one big mess! Even if you have the very first game on the machine, you might get random errors and other problems :)

Plus there's no internet! So you won't find any crazy chat programs or auto updating games on it. Hope it'll be handled the same way next Crossfire LAN.
So do i Urtier, so do i :(
so whats wrong with ettv if everything is working fine :O
ettv is working fine ... i have no idea about players gettign on the right server.

as far as i know ( i have no info ) there are no ettv issues ?
AEF.TAG vs Impact not working i heard
cant see impact vs tag
every game is about an hour delayed
almighty vs. famas was skipped

the ones i know
Update : there is indeed one issue with one particular ETTV server , the network crew is currently working on it !

Update 2 : ETTV issue = FIXED ! thx to marcus our super hero !
LAN can't be fun without me analconda
OMG eiM so true ! :D <3 u !
cu next CF lan I suppose
is there going to be one ?

lets share a room together then again :D
sure thing (room)
hf with your ban
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