SLAC fuckup

Whenever I boot my ET with SLAC my windows taskbar stays visible the entire time. When I then activate my ET by clicking it, the taskbar disappears but then just pops right up.

It's pretty annoying and just can't seem to get rid of it. I already tried running it as an administrator but that didn't really change anything.

Only solution seems to be rebooting, but even that doesn't always do the trick.

Any suggestions?

OS: Windows 7 32b Ultimate
yes i have the same problem, you have to MAXIMIZE FIREFOX and SWITCH TO ET or else just close firefox and switch to ET

windows 7 right?
move your mouse like 30 secs nonstop when you activate ur ET -> success. most of the times.. not slac-related for me
U mad cause SLAC is stylin' on u?
I have absolutley no probs on xp :o
slac is lagging as pb
press in-game:

image: Tekken_10_hit_combo_by_kambodianboi
slac is wack
There's another annoying thing with the taskbar in Windows 7, sometimes when minimizing fullscreen applications (games mostly), the taskbar bugs and the "highlight" of items in it gets stuck even when you are not hovering your mouse over an item.

There is a solution, however: shift+right click on any of the items.
Got exact same thing :D Have to keep right clicking my mouse *_* win7 x64
same, clicking on ET while it loads sovles it i think
no probs at all , even with win7
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