ET the strategy card RPG game deluxe

I will make a great game. It will be strategical card game where 6on6 matches are played with playing cards. Here I have made the first two characters:

image: bldjmobahzky61ww8


image: bldjbdlxepdzpknuw

I am still undecided about the game mechanics and rules. Give me your penis.
Please take it serious! This is no joke

Very nice drawing skills man x)
make one for me vanhom8
night's aim is only 80 ?! wtf?
80 is generic highskill level.
I think Night's aim is above generic highskill.
you should make it like pokemon!
Ensam looks like the cut dude in Inglorious Basterds
Need sticky.
sup ban
get ur gore somewhere els plz ..
im eating ffs xDDDDDDDDDDDDd
LOL awesome
Night's bonus is bad if max is 100
It's overpowered, believe me.
i have saw that shit live. after that this shit is not just a funny joke -_-
Tnx 2 the admin that deleted this!
Needz template

image: slarto

image: oldensan

image: mystici

image: swanidius
srsly this is a great idea! make a gameplay and we can colllect cards etc. Fun! :D
Lol'd at EstoniaNight's pic :DD
I think you got Nights picture wrong, its a person who is spectating him
haha so cool dude. Now everyone who posts on crossfire for searching a clan should post their card instead of sentences :P
Where's my card?????? Mad admin is mad!
our special powers will be soo good :))))
I hope so! Otherwise I'm gonna raage!
i laughed so hard about the pictures ;D
nice pics :D
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