Screen Smudged!!??
30 Jul 2010, 20:31
Anything displayed on my screen (19inch crt) looks smudged. Like ink which has been rubbed out. I've had it before and managed to fix it, but I really can't seem to think of the solution atm. Any thoughts? It's mainly around letters and symbols.
"Ink" which has been rubbed out from a "stick"?
+ put your glasses on ":D"
If so, where do I disable it?
+ What about lan? :o
Maybe one day when I go back to : )
even in ET is has different commands
try and eliminate the programs you are running one by one (oh wow, the #1 in problemsolving...)
e: also clean your screen XD
For now atleast. Remove a few "essential" drivers for my screen lol :D
there's only ONE monitor driver, waiting on can't play ET journal <random weird error here> :D
ET is going fine! :p