Restauration of an MTW Mousepad

image: mtw_1

image: positivity-is-a-plus

image: 602px-Station_Clock.svg

image: positivity-is-a-plus

image: db7e52ed1b1dc742fe676bebd5961971

image: equals+sign

image: lotuseffekt_1_1dfcaa229e

image: 17811209_1
Sounds to me like you've fucked shit up, captain.
actually not! it's quite resitable.

the surface was craggy when it was new. by the years it was getting even which means the mouse didn't glide that good.

hope this action helps me out the next month
I got that mousepad, it's pretty worn out, while it lasted it was the best mousepad I ever had
y. best mousepad ever made.

thats why i had to invent something :>
What did you invent?

A ball rolling over a stubbed surface and a smile?
i invented to re-rubb the surface
Wait, doesn't that completely fuck it up?
had nothing to lose, either i dumb it or i repair it.
it's not fucked up
What's the pad made out of? Looks like cloth, and a metal brush like the one in the picture would completely fuck its day up if it was scrubbed by that. Just cleaned my puretrak talent after spilling beer on it last night with a wet cloth.
Wut is this
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