my AEF experience

so today i went to AEF as a spectator

i picked up pietje, he told me where i should park my car, on the other side of antwerp, while there was parking like 5 meters from the venue...

mactox & nawor were outside waiting for us, nice guys!

inside the venue it was way to hot!
and it was pretty shit to spectate any enemy territory matches since you were not allowed to enter the 'playing' area, allthough we managed to be inside it for a while before getting busted by the evil guy in the green shirt.

i didn't found killerboy! wtf

i said hi to duke! and he didn't beat me up after all the whine i gave him in the past :D
winghaven is a nice guy aswel, letting us play for a few minutes :)

kamz <3
kevin <3
undead <3

nice story isn't it?
It's "aswell" , not "aswel".
actually it should be 'as well'

nice trying to correct me while you don't know the right spelling yourself :D

thanks for clearing that up!
Any time.
he was wrong :D

thanks again for clearing that up!
no it isnt that nice, i mean i would like some dirty details but here you are posting something so neutral that nutella stops making duo penotti
+ gay hearts
Pietje :D:D
nice story haha :D <3
I bet kevin looked like an ultra retard
half of the people did :D
oh hai ;)
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