This one goes out to all the haters...

I heard Necuz' config knows how to make Crossfire 3.0 look like this:
image: xf34ss2

Do you approve?

Mirror courtesy of decem.
Supar-quick guide for Opera users.
someone make this for the stylish plugin for mozilla:>
I can only see a few errors, all border-related, in Fx2.0. I'm sure someone who cares can figure it out.
Hopefully user css will be realised ^^
i want xf3 with this color scheme :( makes me horny
/me wants.
lol, looking at that I now realize how bloody ugly that was compared to this >:-D
its ugly, yeah, but more user friendly aswell. + now that im using it, I can continue taking my xf screenshots with teh old scheme which is cool.
Well, I have bigger input and textarea boxes than you!
Not so excited about it actually..
/not amused
Doh, never logged out.

input.loginField {
width:90px !important;

input[type="text"] {
width:400px !important;
no, leave xfire alono ;(
Updated the file in my config. Added some small fixes and styling for the recent columns/movie block. It's hidden by default, but to show it again all you have to do is remove 'table[height="250"], '.
The hover-effects in the poll-box can be overridden, although it gets very ugly code-wise. Would be nice if CSS could be used here instead, as it does the job just as well.

Being able to resize the left column would also be really nice.
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